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View DICOM Images with 3D Volume Rendering

Oktober 10, 2024
LEADTOOLS empowers developers with advanced DICOM display and customizable tools for streamlined medical imaging.

LEADTOOLS Medical SDK is designed to streamline the development of medical applications, offering support for DICOM datasets, 8-16 bit extended grayscale images, and advanced image annotation capabilities. It also includes specialized tools for displaying images, such as window leveling and LUT (Look-Up Table) processing, as well as medical-specific image processing. Additional features include lossless JPEG compression and the ability to process both signed and unsigned image data. The Medical Imaging Suite expands on this functionality with enhanced features, including HTML/JavaScript viewing for web-based medical image access.

LEADTOOLS Medical 3D Volume Rendering libraries enable developers to visualize medical data using techniques like VRT, MIP, MPR, and SSD. These tools provide interactive controls for window levels, zoom, and density adjustments, along with customizable settings for appearance, such as borders and resolution. The libraries enhance performance with cached 3D volumes for faster load times and include advanced features like 3D reference lines and synchronized stack navigation with a 3D cursor, making it a valuable tool for precise and efficient medical imaging applications.

LEADTOOLS Medical SDK is licensed as Development Licenses, for developers to use the SDKs, and Deployment Licenses, for the right to distribute end user solutions. See our LEADTOOLS Medical SDK licensing page for full details.

Learn more on our LEADTOOLS Medical SDK product page and LEADTOOLS Medical Suite SDK product page.

Transformieren Sie Bilder mithilfe der Filestack-Integration

Oktober 4, 2024
Froala Editor 4.3 ermöglicht es Benutzern, Bilder unter Verwendung der Benutzeroberfläche für Bildtransformationen von Filestack mit Filtern und Größenänderungsfunktionen zu verbessern.

Auf Englisch weiterlesen:

Froala Editor is a JavaScript-based WYSIWYG HTML editor that empowers developers to seamlessly integrate rich text editing functionalities into their applications.

The Froala Editor 4.3 release offers a new "Transform" button in the image editing popup, allowing users to enhance images directly within the editor. This feature allows users to apply filters, resize images, and make various other adjustments with ease. Once changes are made, the image is instantly replaced with the transformed version. This integration streamlines the editing process, offering users greater control and flexibility over their visual content without needing to leave the editor.

To see a full list of what's new in 4.3, see our release notes.

Froala Editor is licensed per product and domain. It is available as an annual or perpetual license with version upgrades and support. See our Froala Editor licensing page for full details.

For more information, visit our Froala Editor product page.

Generieren Sie KI-Eingabeaufforderungen direkt in Tabellenkalkulationen

Oktober 1, 2024
Jspreadsheet Pro integriert die ChatGPT-API in Datenraster und ermöglicht so ein effizientes Antwortmanagement und eine umfassende Datenanalyse.

Auf Englisch weiterlesen:

Jspreadsheet Pro is a flexible JavaScript-based spreadsheet solution that enables developers to create customizable, feature-rich data grids for web applications. It offers advanced formulas, data validation, and API integrations. Ideal for tasks like financial modeling, inventory management, and project tracking, it helps businesses efficiently manage and analyze data. Its backend server integration supports real-time data processing, enhancing workflows and boosting productivity across various industries.

Jspreadsheet Pro seamlessly incorporates ChatGPT API into data grids. This integration facilitates automated content generation, efficient response management, and comprehensive data analysis. For full functionality it requires the Jspreadsheet Server extension which enables front-end queries to communicate with the API via your back-end, delivering real-time data and insights to users.

Jspreadsheet Pro is licensed as an Annual or a Perpetual License with support and maintenance. We can supply any Jspreadsheet Pro license including new licenses, maintenance renewals, and upgrade licenses. See our Jspreadsheet Pro for full details.

For more information, visit our Jspreadsheet Pro product page.

Vereinfachen der Texteingabe mit KI-gesteuerter Autovervollständigung

September 25, 2024
jQWidgets v20.0.0 ermöglicht es Ihnen, Sätze basierend auf dem Kontext mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz automatisch zu vervollständigen, Zeit zu sparen und die UX zu verbessern.

Auf Englisch weiterlesen:

jQWidgets is a comprehensive JavaScript UI framework offering a robust collection of over 60 widgets, themes, and utilities for building professional-grade, cross-platform web applications. Built on jQuery, HTML5, and CSS, it provides extensive functionality including data grids, charts, navigation, input validation, and more. jQWidgets simplifies web development, ensuring your applications work seamlessly across desktop browsers, tablets, and smartphones.

The jQWidgets v20.0.0 release introduces AI-powered sentence completion in its input component, enhancing user efficiency by suggesting autocompletions for full sentences based on context and how it has been configured.

To see a full list of what's new in v20.0.0, see our release notes.

jQWidgets is licensed per developer and is available as a Perpetual license 1 year support and maintenance. See our jQWidgets licensing page for full details.

Learn more on our jQWidgets product page.

Integrieren Sie Diagramme in JavaScript-Tabellenkalkulations-Apps

September 24, 2024
Verwenden Sie JavaScript-Steuerelemente für Tabellenkalkulationen mit integrierter Diagrammfunktion, um Daten auf visuell ansprechende Weise zu analysieren und darzustellen.

Auf Englisch weiterlesen:

JavaScript spreadsheet controls with built-in chart features enable developers to visualize data directly within web-based spreadsheet applications. These charts are generated dynamically from the data within the spreadsheet, providing users with a more intuitive way to analyze and interpret complex datasets. By integrating charting capabilities, developers can offer real-time data visualization without relying on external libraries, resulting in more efficient user experiences. This functionality improves data-driven decision-making, enhances user engagement, and reduces the complexity of handling complex datasets in web applications.

Several JavaScript spreadsheet controls offer charts including:

  • SpreadJS by MESCIUS allows you to seamlessly integrate dynamic charts into spreadsheets, enabling advanced data visualization and analysis.
  • Jspreadsheet Pro lets you create interactive charts within your spreadsheet, simplifying data insights and enhancing user interaction.
  • Infragistics Spreadsheet React (part of Ignite UI by Infragistics) facilitates real-time chart generation directly from spreadsheet data for improved decision-making.
  • Syncfusion Spreadsheet JavaScript (part of Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition) enables embedded charting to visualize spreadsheet data with minimal coding.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of JavaScript Spreadsheet controls.

Compare JavaScript Spreadsheet controls