
Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Ensure Correct Orientation when Rendering Images
Ensure Correct Orientation when Rendering Images
September 16, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js V24.8 adds the ability to automatically rotate images, ensuring that they display in the intended alignment.
Effectively Communicate with Your Users
Effectively Communicate with Your Users
September 16, 2024Product Update
Ignite UI for React 18.7.0 adds a new banner component to enhance your application with non-intrusive banners that deliver important messages.
ASP.NET Zero Joins ComponentSource
ASP.NET Zero Joins ComponentSource
September 16, 2024New Publisher
ComponentSource partners with ASP.NET Zero by Volosoft to deliver a streamlined framework for enterprise web application development.
Enhance PDF Collaboration and Productivity
Enhance PDF Collaboration and Productivity
September 16, 2024Feature-Highlight
Free text annotations provide users with the ability to give their insights on PDF content, allowing for richer, more personalized interactions.
Group Data into Manageable Segments
Group Data into Manageable Segments
September 16, 2024Feature-Highlight
JavaScript grids with grouping (summary) features allow users to gain insights into data without having to examine every individual row.
Schützen Sie Daten mit serverseitiger Authentifizierung
Schützen Sie Daten mit serverseitiger Authentifizierung
September 13, 2024Feature-Highlight
Erhöhen Sie die Sicherheit, indem Sie Benutzeridentitäten auf dem Server überprüfen, Informationen schützen und unbefugten Zugriff auf eingeschränkte Ressourcen verhindern.