DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor includes 110+ UI controls for ASP.NET (including Reporting), server-side MVC extensions or client-side controls with everything you need to build Office-inspired applications, over 80 high-performance ASP.NET Core UI controls, ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls for Office-inspired and Data Visualization apps, Blazor Components (including a Data Grid and Pivot Grid) so you can design rich user experiences for both server-side (Razor Components) and client-side (Blazor) platforms and the DevExtreme JavaScript component suite for responsive web development.

I like to think of DevExpress as a business partner that helps me to stay focused on the development tasks that actually add value to my applications, while they take care of everything else!

Andres Hernandez Reyes, CTO Lexis S.A.

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor includes all ASP.NET components engineered by Developer Express. This subscription type does not include source code nor priority support.

ASP.NET Controls

  • Office-Inspired - ASP.NET Grids, Spreadsheets, Ribbons and more. With DevExpress web controls, you can build a bridge to the future on the platform you know and love. The 110+ controls that ship inside the DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor Subscription have been engineered so you can deliver functional, elegant and...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

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Preise ab: $ 979.99

One software license is required per developer. You may install the product on more than one machine as long as each developer has their own license. This allows you to install it on your work, home...

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor ist auch verfügbar in:

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Als offizieller und autorisierter Distributor bietet Ihnen ComponentSource gültige Lizenzen direkt von DevExpress.
Component Type
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Controls
  • ASP.NET MVC Extensions
  • ASP.NET MVC Client-Side Controls
  • ASP.NET Core Controls
  • ASP.NET Core Office Controls
  • ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls
  • JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue
  • Blazor UI Components

Aktuelle Auszeichnungen



Durchschnittliche Bewertungspunkte:  4.5 (27)

4.5 von 5 Sternen

5 Stern
4 Stern
3 Stern
2 Stern
1 Stern

Aktuelle positive Bewertungen

Rogelio Vargas Mexiko5 Stern

Excelente producto.

Aktuelle kritische Bewertungen

Anonym3 Stern
I was initially flabbergasted at the massive quantity of controls included in the package and was very excited to begin using them in my Windows Forms and ASP.NET projects. However, once I had made my... Lesen Sie mehr