DevExpress VCL Subscription
Alle Developer Express VCL-Produkte in einem Paket.
Veröffentlicht von DevExpress
Wird von ComponentSource seit 2001 vertrieben
Preise ab: $ 1,469.99 Version: 24.1.4 NEU Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 18, 2024 (13)
Developer Express VCL Subscription includes VCL components for: data entry, charting, data analysis, navigation, layout, grids, scheduling, styling, reporting, printing and planning. Developer Express VCL Subscription supports Delphi XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria and 12 Athens and C++Builder XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria and 12 Athens. Developer Express VCL Subscription provides you with a 12 month window wherein all new product releases are sent to you automatically. Developer Express VCL Subscription includes current shipping products, new products, product upgrades (major and minor), and access to all betas in active development. In addition, when you subscribe to Developer Express VCL Subscription, all your support inquiries will be given top priority. Developer Express VCL Subscription also includes the Source Code.
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Developer Express VCL Subscription Features
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Componentes com muita qualidade e opções de uso. Pena que para o Firemonkey ainda está desatualizado.