DevExtreme 17.2.6

Die Aktualisierung enthält mehrere Fehlerkorrekturen.
März 6, 2018
Neue Version


DevExtreme Demos

  • The Form Country SelectBox - The Validation demo does not load data.
  • ThemeBuilder - The hovered Menu item text color is not applied for second-level sub-items.

Data Grid

  • Adding a new row when grouping is enabled overwrites an existing row.
  • AllowHiding has no effect if the Column Chooser mode is "select".
  • Content flickers after editing in virtual scrolling mode under certain conditions.
  • ExportToExcel exports all rows with the filter applied.
  • The "title" attribute is generated for column headers in IE.
  • The getCellElement method returns an incorrect cell element in "form" editing mode.
  • The header filter doesn't pass the selected value to the loadOptions object.
  • Validation error message is rendered multiple times if a cell template has an editor.
  • DataGrid bound to CustomStore does not show a loading indicator on sorting.
  • DataGrid clears date column values on editing when the dateSerializationFormat option is specified using dxDateBox.defaultOptions.
  • DataGrid displays an unnecessary vertical scrollbar if stateStoring is enabled and columnAutoWidth is true.
  • DataGrid does not save data properly when a data item represents an instance of a class.
  • DataGrid is slow when using columnHidingEnabled and virtual scrolling.
  • DataGrid throws the "Cannot read property 'getInstance' of undefined" error after upgrade to 17.2.5.
  • Documentation - it is necessary to describe how the visibleIndex field works with the checkbox selection feature enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - Popup Edit Form is not resized correctly if minHeight/maxHeight is specified after the browser window is minimized or maximized.
  • FilterBuilder does not preserve the last filter value until you accept it.
  • The Grid's cellValue method accepts the column index rather than the visible column index as the second parameter.
  • TreeList - minWidth doesn't work correctly if component is placed in a div with a smaller size.

Data Visualization

  • Chart - Label Connectors are drawn incorrectly if the chart is rotated and labels have rotationAngle.
  • Chart - The showZero option has no effect on zooming in/out action.
  • Chart - The Values axis range is not updated according to a new datasource when the useAggregation option is enabled.
  • Chart - Using the minBarSize field breaks bar drawing in the stacked bar char.
  • Chart - Zooming out action doesn't work if a data source contains a single point.
  • dxChart -The "Failed to execute 'createPattern' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The canvas width is 0." error occurs on an attempt to export data when scale breaks are enabled.
  • PieChart throws the "Cannot read property '0' of undefined" error when large numbers are used.
  • PolarChart throws the "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" error when the useSpiderWeb option is changed at runtime.
  • Properties on the third level of hierarchy have the any type.
  • RangeSelector - The "Error: <path> attribute d: Expected number" error occurs if chart.valueAxis.type is set to "logarithmic".
  • The "Cannot read property 'radius' of undefined" error occurs if the PieChart data source has no data.
  • The commonseriesSettings and series fields have the object type.

DevExtreme Core

  • The "Expected 0 arguments, but got 1." errors occur when building a project with the fullTemplateTypeCheck Angular option enabled.

DevExtreme Tools

  • An Android application doesn't display a custom splash screen image after building a new application template.
  • The "Missing App Store Icon (iTunesArtwork)" error occurs on an attempt to publish DevExtreme mobile application on AppStore.


  • dxPopups always appear behind dropDownAppointmentTemplate in the Scheduler.
  • dxScheduler - It is impossible to set the currentView option in the onInitialized handler.
  • Scheduler - A monthly recurrence rule for the last days works incorrectly.
  • Scheduler - Sometimes it is impossible to drag-and-drop appointments.
  • Scheduler - The time scale header sticks under certain circumstances when you scroll in Firefox.
  • Scheduler doesn't change the current time indicator when the timezone is specified.
  • Scheduler has an incorrect layout when the view selector is hidden due to the adaptive dx-scheduler-small CSS class.

Tree List

  • TreeList working in on-demand mode keeps asking for children of empty nodes.

UI Widgets

  • Changing an accordion item's title at runtime results in losing its content.
  • DataGrid - The sorting icon (asc/desc) in the header context menu is misaligned.
  • DateBox increases the width of its DateTime picker when it is opened in IE and Edge.
  • Drop down based editors do not select items with iOS (iPad, iPhone).
  • dxTagBox - The "Select All" check box selects all records after search if selectAllMode is "allPages".
  • dxTagBox - The CustomStore.load method is called by the widget multiple times when loadMode = raw.
  • dxTagBox - The Search value is not shown when an item is selected in the drop-down list.
  • dxTextBox does not allow deleting characters using the Backspace key when mask is used on certain Android devices.
  • FilterBuilder simplifies its filter expression returned by the value option.
  • FilterBuilder throws an error if the field's dataField option is not specified.
  • Form - An item becomes bound when only its name option is set.
  • Form - It is impossible to access an item inside a group tab.
  • Lookup is cleared by the Enter key press.
  • NumberBox - Masks do not work properly with the friction part.
  • NumberBox - The "text" option does not work.
  • NumberBox - The clear button sets a value to an empty string.
  • Popup looks cuts off in MS Edge and IE if width is 'auto'.
  • ScrollView - The vertical scrollbar is displayed with a visual glitch on scrolling in Firefox 58.0.1 on Android (both tablets and phones).
  • SelectBox - Data request is executed each time the widget with some selected value loses focus.
  • SelectBox - The 'onCustomItemCreating' event is always raised with the 'SearchEnabled' and 'AcceptCustomValue' property enabled since v17.1.
  • Slider - Tooltip dimensions are not updated according to the formatted content length.
  • TagBox - A newly added custom item produces an empty tag in a data source.
  • TagBox - The order of selected items is incorrect at the API level.
  • The Form raises "Cannot read property 'Field Name' of undefined" if undefined is set as the Form formData.
  • The Popup changes its position when the animation option is specified using the defaultOptions method under certain conditions.
  • The readOnly option of a form item must save its state when the Form's readOnly option is changed.
  • There is no typescript definition for the DevExpress.ui.dxOverlay.baseZIndex method.
  • TreeView displays a previously selected node after a filter is cleared.
  • Updating dxPopup toolbarItem options makes the dxScrollView inside the popup content scroll to the top.

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript-Komponentensammlung für die Entwicklung reaktionsschneller Web-Komponenten.

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