CapableObjects MDriven

Die Aktualisierung beinhaltet Fehlerkorrekturen.
März 19, 2018
Neue Version


  • Fixed - ServerCertificateValidationCallback https access from Mono.
  • Fixed - Bug in log Ocl oclSingleton - avoids throwing exception when not being able to create the singleton instance.
  • Fixed - Double click in rows was faster than async action-enable which led to user getting a low-access view on first click.
  • Fixed - Cell edit with F4 knocked out double-click on row.
  • Fixed - Issues with Expression caching - did not correctly handle changing types of variables as is common in new debugger.
  • Fixed - Issue with VMClassMember being evaluated prior to initialization.
  • Fixed - Further issue with WPF combo - changed constellation in ArticlePrototype view at ACO.
CapableObjects MDriven


Leistungsstarke modellbasierte Tools für die Entwicklung von Anwendungen.

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