ActiveState Platform - August 2020

Integriert eine Funktion zum Kopieren und Einfügen der Inhalte von cpan- oder META.json-Dateien zum Füllen von Paketlisten.
August 27, 2020
Neue Version


  • Copy and paste the contents of cpanfile or META.json files to populate your package list.
    • When you create or update a Perl custom runtime on the Platform, you now have the option to provide the package and version requirements for the project in cpanfile or meta.json file format.
  • Update forks with the latest changes from the parent project.
    • When a language runtime you have forked (created a copy of) is updated, you now have the option to update your forked language runtime to get the latest changes.
ActiveState Platform

ActiveState Platform

Automatisches Erstellen, Auflösen und Zertifizieren von Open-Source-Sprachen.

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