JetBrains Academy for Organizations - Veröffentlichung Dezember 2022

Integriert 7 neue Projekte und 22 Themen für Python, Bash und Kotlin.
Dezember 2, 2022
Neue Version


  • Python
    • Project: Hacker Attack (Beta) - In this project, you’ll rebuild a destroyed school’s database while getting familiar with SQL commands. You’ll also work with CSV files, import data from files, and learn how to merge data from different tables.
    • Project: Video Game Database (Beta) - Working with a private detective, deciphering riddles in data, finding answers to questions about video game information.
    • Project: K-Means Clustering from Scratch (Beta) - In this project, you’ll dive into implementing one of the simplest algorithms for clustering data: KMeans.
    • Added new track: Pandas for Data Analysis (Beta) - You’ll learn all about pandas, one of the most popular libraries for data analysis.
    • Released 5 projects from Beta: Neural Network from Scratch, Decision Tree from Scratch, NBA Data Preprocessing, Salary Prediction, and Monty Hall Problem.
  • Bash (Unix Shell)
    • Project: True or False (Beta) - Сreate a question game with the help of the curl utility while getting familiar with Bash. You’ll also learn to connect an API, retrieve data from it, and work with files.
    • Project: Enigma (Beta) - In this project you’ll write a program for encrypting messages and files. But first, you need some basic knowledge about ciphers. You will start with the validation of user input and then convert chars to ASCII values. In the end, you will build a simple cipher that creates a file and encrypts it with a Linux utility.
  • Kotlin
    • Project: Chuck Norris Cipher Decoder (Beta) - In this project, you’ll create a program that can encrypt any text into a sequence of zeros and spaces and decrypt this sequence into text.
    • Released the Words Virtuoso project from Beta.
    • Topics:
      • Additional instruments: OkHttp.
      • Control flow: Scope functions: summary.
      • Types and data structures: Mapping transformation.
      • Ktor: Exposed advanced, Sessions, Thymeleaf template engine.
  • Java
    • Project: Traffic Light (Beta) - In this project, you’ll implement a simplified version of a road junction in which many roads converge to one. You’ll learn how to work with multi-threading, handle exceptions, inherit classes, and implement and apply the circular queue data structure.
    • Released the Graph-Algorithms Visualizer and Zookeeper projects from Beta.
    • Topic: Setting up Spring Boot tests.
  • JavaScript
    • Topics: Intro to events module, CommonJS modules, Node.js CLI, Running Node.JS code, yarn.
  • Go
    • Topic: Reader and Writer interfaces.
    • The Smart Calculator project has been released from Beta.
  • Scala
    • Topic: Scala build tool.
  • Math
    • Topics: Exponential function, Inclusion–exclusion principle, Rule of sum and rule of product.
  • Fundamentals
    • Topics:
      • Algorithms and structures: Algorithmic thinking.
      • Databases and SQL: Basic data types.
      • Dev tools: Docker build and docker tag, Docker networking.
      • JVM: G1 Garbage collector.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

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