dbForge Studio for SQL Server V6.4.7

Released: May 12, 2023

Updates in V6.4.124


  • Added support for Data Manipulation Language (DML) trigger sorting in Source Control.
  • Added syntax support for calling procedures/functions without the EXEC/EXECUTE keyword.
  • Added support for the EXEC command in Syntax Check.


  • Fixed an issue with locking the user interface when switching between SQL Document windows.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when displaying the informational window.
  • Fixed an issue with the text search across DDL objects in Object Search.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when using the Google Sheets data export template.
  • Fixed the behavior of the Ignore History Table option.
  • Fixed the display of the datetime data type in the data comparison grid.
  • Fixed the display of the Generate Script As command for an empty table.