PhpStorm 9

Released: Jul 9, 2015

Updates in this release

Updates in 9

  • Understand Code - All PHP-related subsystems have been updated. Features include advanced PHP type inference, support for persistent language injections and numerous new inspections and intentions.
  • Postfix Code Completion - Transform an already typed expression to another one based on the postfix, the type of expression and its context.
  • Partial PHP 7 Support - This initial support makes it possible to use PHP 7 in new projects.
  • Inline Debugger for PHP - All debugging data is shown directly in the editor, with variable values integrated smoothly into the editor’s look-and-feel.
  • Remote Edit - Individual files can now be opened directly from a remote host (such as FTP, SFTP or FTPS) and edited in the IDE, without downloading them to the local project.
  • Remote Tools via Remote PHP Interpreters - Support for PHP Code Sniffer and Mess Detector via remote PHP interpreters.
  • Improved JavaScript Support - Faster code highlighting and code completion suggestions, as well as enhanced ECMAScript 6 support.
  • Application Dependency Diagrams - Application structure can be visualized and explored with spy-js.
  • Tracing Languages Transpiled to JavaScript - spy-js adds support for source maps to trace TypeScript, CoffeeScript or ECMAScript 6 code transpiled to JavaScript.
  • V8 Profiling for Node.js Apps - Capture and analyze JavaScript engine CPU profiles and heap snapshots for Node.js applications.
  • Simultaneous Tag Editing - Simply edit an opening HTML or XML tag, and PhpStorm takes care of the closing one.
  • Distraction Free Mode - A minimalistic UI with no toolbars, no tool windows and no editor tabs.
  • Diff Viewer - New option shows the difference between revisions on one page.