
Released: Apr 26, 2022

Updates in


  • Improved 'PEconvpixeltograph' when last argument 'ViceVersa' is TRUE (finding pixel locations based off data units). The legacy behavior was for the developer to pass the axis index of the current visible axis index. This is usually hard to determine if enabling the built-in data filtering features or zooming across or into an axis. The option to pass in the actual axis index as originally defined by MultiAxeSubsets has been added. It is recommended to use this option for retrieving the pixel locations from data units in a chart that uses multi axes.
  • Improved 'PEsearchsubsetpointindex' to store recent actual axis index and current visible axis index that contains a subset and point index closest to pixel coordinates. Developers can now easily learn the axis index that the closest subset/point indices belong to.


  • Fixed an issue with function PEsearchsubsetpointindex and use of SubsetsToShow and or Zooming a multi axis chart where the subset index was not correct in some cases.