word processing - BioPass ID Multibiometrics API

  1. Über BioPass ID Multibiometrics API

    Beschreibung: token for each detected face. You can pass the face token to other APIs for further processing. Face Anonymization Face Anonymization API automatically anonymizes one or multiple faces detected in a ... and verifying data via API calls. This functionality is optional, but can reduce your costs with processing. ...

  2. About BioPass ID Multibiometrics API

    Beschreibung: and token for each detected face. You can pass the face token to other APIs for further processing. Face Anonymization Face Anonymization API automatically anonymizes one or multiple faces detected ... and verifying data via API calls. This functionality is optional, but can reduce your costs with processing. ...

  3. Face Detection

    Bildschirmabzüge: Face Detection API detects faces within images, and get back face bounding box and token for each detected face. You can pass the face token to other APIs for further processing. 0 ...

  4. BioPass ID Multibiometrics API Updates

    Versionshinweise: for further processing. Face Anonymization Face Anonymization API automatically anonymizes one or multiple faces detected in a photo. WSQ Compression for Fingerprint WSQ Compression for Fingerprint API compress ... costs with processing. ...