1. PDFlib TET 5.5

    Versionshinweise: Security and performance updates of third-party components. Enhanced all language bindings and updates for the latest language versions including Microsoft.NET 8, PHP 8.3, Perl 5.38 and Ruby 3.2. 0 ...

  2. PDFlib TET 5.4

    Versionshinweise: Improves all language bindings and latest language versions including.NET 6/7 and PHP 8.1/8.2. Security and performance updates of third-party components. Enhanced all language bindings and updated to the latest language versions including Microsoft.NET 6 ...

  3. PDFlib TET 5.3 (maintenance release)

    Versionshinweise: Adds support for Microsoft Windows 11. Added support for Microsoft Windows 11. 0 ...

  4. PDFlib TET 5.3

    Versionshinweise: Optimizes PDF resource handling, and enhances language bindings for.NET 5, PHP 8, Perl 5.32 and Ruby 3.0. Optimized PDF resource handling to improve performance for documents with excessive numbers of images, patterns or other resources. Security and ...

  5. PDFlib TET 5.2

    Versionshinweise: Improves table detection with row and column span identification. Improved table detection with row and column span identification. Mark Artifacts (irrelevant text and images) in TETML and the API. Extract text and images from annotations and patterns. ...

  6. PDFlib TET 5.1

    Versionshinweise: Numbered and unnumbered lists are identified and expressed in TETML. Numbered and unnumbered lists are identified and expressed in TETML. Repair mode for damaged input documents with cross-reference streams. Improved workarounds for non-conforming input ...

  7. PDFlib TET 5 Released

    Versionshinweise: Updates in 5 Retrieve fill and stroke color of text. Improved page and table layout recognition. Support vertical font metrics for CJK text. Significantly enhanced merging of fragmented images. Extract image masks and soft masks. Merge and convert JPEG ...

  8. PDFlib TET improves Language Binding Support

    Versionshinweise: Updates in 4.4 Language binding support for PHP 5.6, Perl 5.20, Python 3.4, Ruby 2.1 and 2.2. Image extraction Correct color output for certain CMYK JPEG images. Enhanced merging of fragmented images. Enhanced filtering of small images. Reduced memory ...

  9. PDFlib TET updated

    Versionshinweise: Updates in 4.3 Support for TIFF image resolution information. Workarounds for various kinds of malformed PDFs. Enhanced robustness against non-conforming input. Improved word boundary detection for certain glyph spacings. ...

  10. PDFlib TET updated

    Versionshinweise: Updates in V4.1 Reduced memory requirements for very large documents Performance improvements Support for PDF documents encrypted with Acrobat X Bug fixes and robustness improvements Improved heuristics for processing malformed PDF input Additional PDF ...

  11. PDFlib TET adds performance enhancements

    Versionshinweise: Updates in V4.0 New features in PDFlib TET 4.0: Performance enhancements: faster for many classes of documents Higher speed and smaller memory consumption for very large documents up to hundreds of thousands of pages Extract right-to-left and ...