amCharts 5: Stock Chart

  1. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.9.4

    Versionshinweise: StockChart with VolumeProfile indicator was snapping scrollbar's left grip to the start. Logarithmic axis was not showing labels less than 10e-5. Treemap 's labels would sometimes not adjust its size (usually with a lot of data). 0 ...

  2. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.9.3

    Versionshinweise: Added the ability to add bullets to links in a linked hierarchy chart, like Force-directed and Tree. Added a new IndicatorControl method: clearIndicators(), which allows clearing all indicators from the chart at once. StockChart will now automatically ...

  3. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.9.2

    Versionshinweise: Accessibility: Added two new Tooltip settings: readerAnnounce (boolean, default: false) and labelAriaLabel. If readerAnnounce is set to true, tooltip's contents (labelAriaLabel if set, or regular label text) will be read out by screen readers when ...

  4. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.9.1

    Versionshinweise: A new control in StockChart 's drawing toolbar has been added: "Select". Allows toggling "selection" mode on and off. When it's on, clicking on any existing drawing will select it. Otherwise drawing will be initiated using ...

  5. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.9.0

    Versionshinweise: zoomToDataItems(dataItems, rotate) method has been added to MapPolygonSeries. Bigger hit circle has been added to Stock charts drawings bullets, which becomes visible when hovered. A public method markDirtyKey() has been added, which can be used to ...

  6. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.7

    Versionshinweise: If a Label with background was hidden due to oversizedBehavior rule, the background was still visible. Moving XYCursor with keyboard were not always properly updating adapter-populated tooltips. HTML-based tooltips were not being updated properly in some ...

  7. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.6

    Versionshinweise: pancancelled event of an XYChart was not being fired in some cases. When old series were removed from an XYChart and a new added, related ValueAxis was not zooming out to new data if Animated theme was not used. Series.on("tooltipDataItem") was ...

  8. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.5

    Versionshinweise: forceHidden (default: false) setting has been added to StockControl, which enables forcing some StockChart controls to be always hidden. New DateRangeSelector event has been added: "rangeselected". New PeriodSelector event has been added:

  9. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.4

    Versionshinweise: Added a new DrawingSeries method: getIndex(drawingId). It will return the index of a drawing corresponding to a unique id, or null if not found. PeriodSelector will now zoom to last/first data items if stockSeries is set on StockChart. Previously it used ...

  10. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.3

    Versionshinweise: Picture 's events "loaded" and "loaderror" were kicking in before actual picture was fully loaded/errored. StockChart 's cursor used to freeze after chart was panned and it was not snapped to Y value (if snapping was enabled) ...

  11. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.2

    Versionshinweise: DateRangeSelector was sometimes selecting an extra day on GapplessDateAxis. Some leftover console debug messages removed. 0 ...

  12. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.1

    Versionshinweise: VolumeProfile indicator will now not let you select an unreasonably small value for its "ticks per row" setting. Using DrawingControl in standalone mode was resulting in error when trying to enable drawing tool from API. Volume profile indicator ...

  13. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.8.0

    Versionshinweise: Added a new container type ZoomableContainer, which allows you to add zoom capabilities to virtually any chart. Added a new ZoomTools class. Ths can be used to quickly add zoom support for elements compatible with IZoomable interface, e.g. ...

  14. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.7

    Versionshinweise: Added a new setting in StockToolbar: focusable (default: false). If set to true, it will make all toolbar controls navigable/editable using keyboard. ariaChecked setting will now be ignored if the element also has role set to one of the following:

  15. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.6

    Versionshinweise: One of the underlying series was not being removed when disposing MACross indicator. Some of the newer indicators were not being restored. autoSave: true set on DataSaveControl was not working. 0 ...

  16. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.5

    Versionshinweise: Added new Annotator setting: markerStyleSettings. This allows the setting of default settings for UI styles of MarkerArea. "Moving Average Cross" (MACross) and "Price Volume Trend" (PVT) indicators have been added to StockChart. ...

  17. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.4

    Versionshinweise: Added new Annotator setting: markerSettings. This allows the setting of default settings for MarkerArea. Heat rules are now set on the default state of a target as well. Changing data granularity on StockChart was not updating baseInterval on indicator

  18. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.3

    Versionshinweise: Scrollbar background was being drawn shifted since 5.7.2. 0 ...

  19. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.2

    Versionshinweise: Added new maxChars setting on Label. If set to a number, it will truncate text to X characters with ellipsis, obeying breakWords and ellipsis settings. "Bull Bear Power" indicator has been added to StockChart. "Acceleration Bands" ...

  20. amCharts 5: Stock Chart 5.7.1

    Versionshinweise: DataSaveControl was always clearing manually-saved drawings/indicators unless auto-save was enabled. Drawing tools eraser and clear would not always clear drawings loaded by a DataSaveControl. VolumeProfileIndicator was not working if added via API. ...