Data Widgets
Include robust, data-bound components for accessing and displaying data.
Publicado por Infragistics
Distribuido por ComponentSource desde 1996
Precios desde: $ 387.10 Versión: 3.13 Actualizado: Sep 3, 1998 (7)
Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para Data Widgets, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de Infragistics.
A continuación, nuestros precios ordinarios. Le rogamos que inicie sesión para ver sus precios con descuento.
1 Developer License Please note: This is an unsupported (not eligible for product support or maintenance) product. Referencia Fabricante #: 04302Nuestra Referencia #: CS-506146-1184535 |
Licencias y Entrega | $ 387.10 | Añadir a la Cesta |
After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. Entrega a través de e-mail:
Developer License Each copy is licensed on a per developer basis. A developer may use the license on multiple CPUs as long as they are not used concurrently nor used by another developer
Run-time royalty free.
Please note that this product is no longer supported by the publisher, so it is no longer eligible for product support or maintenance.