Lanzamientos de Infragistics Professional

Released: Jan 15, 2024

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for Blazor 23.2.110


  • .NET 8.0 support
    • 2023.2 release now support .NET 8.
  • Charts
    • Chart Highlight Filter - The IgbCategoryChart and IgbDataChart now expose a way to highlight and animate in and out of a subset of data. The display of this highlight depends on the series type. For column and area series, the subset will be shown on top of the total set of data where the subset will be colored by the actual brush of the series, and the total set will have a reduced opacity. For line series, the subset...

Released: Jan 15, 2024

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for Web Components 4.7.0



  • Chart Highlight Filter - The IgcCategoryChartComponent and IgcDataChartComponent now expose a way to highlight and animate in and out of a subset of data. The display of this highlight depends on the series type. For column and area series, the subset will be shown on top of the total set of data where the subset will be colored by the actual brush of the series, and the total set will have a reduced opacity. For line series, the subset will be shown as a dotted line.

Released: Dec 15, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for Blazor 23.2.97


  • Toolbar - Beta
    • Save tool action has been added to save the chart to an image via the clipboard.
    • Vertical orientation has been added via the toolbar's Orientation property. By default the toolbar is horizontal, now the toolbar can be shown in vertical orientation where the tools will popup to the left/right respectfully.
    • Custom SVG icons support was added via the toolbar's renderImageFromText method, further enhancing custom tool creation.
  • Grid
    • Added New Features - State...

Released: Dec 15, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for ASP.NET Core 23.2


  • Now supports ASP.NET Core for .NET 8 projects.
  • Tag Helpers now support ASP.NET Core for .NET 8 projects.

Released: Dec 15, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for Web Components 4.6.0



  • Added new state persistence feature.

Released: Dec 14, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for React 18.4.0


React Grid

  • State Persistence
    • Added new State Persistence feature in React Grid which allows developers to easily save and restore the grid state. When the IgrGridState is applied on the React IgrGrid, it exposes the GetState, GetStateAsString, ApplyState and ApplyStateFromString methods that developers can use to achieve state persistence in any scenario. IgrGridState directive supports saving and restoring the state of the following features:
      • Sorting.
      • Filtering.
      • Advanced...

Released: Dec 7, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ultimate UI for Windows Forms 23.2


  • .NET 8.0 support - As of version 2023.2, the Ultimate UI for WinForms toolset supports .NET 8.
  • Chart Highlight Filter - The UltraCategoryChart and UltraDataChart now expose a way to highlight and animate in and out of a subset of data. The display of this highlight depends on the series type. For column and area series, the subset will be shown on top of the total set of data where the subset will be colored by the actual brush of the series, and the total set will have a reduced...

Released: Dec 7, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ultimate UI for WPF 23.2


  • .NET 8.0 support - As of version 2023.2, the Ultimate UI for WPF toolset supports .NET 8.

Released: Nov 29, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for Angular 17.1.0


  • IgxGrid, IgxTreeGrid and IgxHierarchicalGrid
    • Added a new rowClick output that fires when the user clicks on a row element of the grid, including group rows.
  • IgxTree
    • Added new toggleNodeOnClick property which determines whether clicking over a node will change its expanded state or not. Set to false by default.
  • igxPivotGrid
    • IPivotDimension interface now exposes a property called displayName similar to the one in the IPivotValue interface. This property is optional and will be...

Released: Nov 15, 2023

Actualizaciones en Ignite UI for Web Components 4.5.0


  • Button group component - The Web Components Button Group component is used to organize IgcToggleButtonComponents into styled button groups with horizontal/vertical alignment, single/multiple selection and toggling.
  • Toggle button component - The IgcToggleButtonComponent is used in combination with the IgcButtonComponent component to achieve toolbar like UX.
  • Navigation drawer now supports CSS transitions.
  • Added a position attribute for toast and snackbar components.