Lanzamientos de Infragistics Professional

Released: Nov 4, 2020

Actualizaciones en Infragistics Professional


Infragistics has updated the following products:

Released: Jul 16, 2020

Actualizaciones en 20.1 Service Release


Infragistics has released new builds of the following products:

Released: Jun 2, 2020

Actualizaciones en 20.1



  • New DockManager control - The DockManager delivers a complete desktop windowing experience, giving you to the ability to move, dock, undock, pin, expand, collapse, and more with the UI of your application.
  • Theming Widget for Custom CSS.
  • Bootstrap Support.
  • Data Grid.
    • Data Analysis Directive.
    • Master-Detail UI in the Grid.
    • Collapsible Column Groups.
    • Full-Column Selection.
    • Keyboard Navigation Enhancements.
    • Column Pinning to Right.
    • Row Pinning.
    • State Persistence.
    • Drag Ghost...

Released: Apr 5, 2020

Actualizaciones en 19.2 Service Release


Infragistics has released new builds of the following products:

Released: Nov 19, 2019

Actualizaciones en 19.2


  • Leverage the Latest .NET Core 3 Framework - Modernize your WPF, Windows Forms, and ASP.NET MVC applications with .Net Core 3 for Visual Studio 2019.
  • Ignite UI for Blazor (preview) - No plugins, no add-ons, no transpilation magic. Just .NET running in the browser. 11 new components including high performing grids, charts, gauges, and maps.
  • Dependency Free Web Components - Reusable HTML/JS/CSS components based on web standards with no UI framework dependencies.
  • Ignite UI for...

Released: Jul 1, 2019

Actualizaciones en 19.1 Service Release


Infragistics has released new builds of the following products:

Released: Apr 17, 2019

Actualizaciones en 19.1


  • Get Windows Desktop Support with .NET Core 3 - Apps Run 30% Faster - Modernize your WPF desktop applications with .NET Core 3 for Visual Studio 2019.
  • Include Fast Grids and Charts for Angular and React - Ignite UI includes lightning-fast, pixel-perfect scrolling and interactive grid experiences in Angular & React, including Hierarchical Grid and Tree Grid in Angular.
  • Get the Best of Excel without Excel’s Cost - Infragistics offers a complete Spreadsheet & Excel Library...

Released: Dec 21, 2018

Actualizaciones en 18.2


Infragistics has released new builds of the following products:

Released: Nov 6, 2018

Actualizaciones en 18.2


  • Create Microsoft Excel Dashboards with .NET & JavaScript - Create engaging Microsoft Excel dashboards and user-friendly reports with charts and sparklines in your next JavaScript, Windows Forms, or WPF application - all without needing Excel on the client machine.
  • Display and Edit Hierarchical Data with the Angular TreeGrid - The new Angular Tree Grid is a powerful data shaping component that allows you to display and edit multi-column hierarchical data with sorting...