MindFusion.ASP.NET Pack 2020.R1

Released: Jan 15, 2020

Actualizaciones en 2020.R1


MindFusion.Diagramming for WebForms

  • Composite nodes - Implements nodes whose appearance can be defined via composition of components and layout containers.
  • Animated layout - New methods allow you to move items from their original locations to new locations assigned by the layout object.
  • Export Microsoft Excel files - Exports diagrams to Excel Open XML format (XSLX) files. Diagrams are exported as Excel AutoShapes drawings.
  • Overview improvements
    • ScaleMode enumeration and properties added to the Overview control to implement several scaling modes.
    • If AllowZoom is enabled, users can now zoom the diagram by resizing the overview's viewport tracking rectangle.
    • MinVisibleFontSize specifies a threshold value that hides text if scaled font sizes become smaller.
  • LayeredLayout improvements
    • New property lets you preserve initial link shape value when LinkType is set to Cascading. The orthogonal path applied by latter property is approximated using respective link shape.
    • Client-side LayeredLayout now uses stable sorting and should always create the same results when applied to same graph.
    • LinkPadding property added to LayeredLayout specifies how much space to leave between links when LinkType is set to Cascading.
  • JSON Serialization - Diagrams can now be serialized in JSON format. This can be used for interoperability with MindFusion JavaScript diagramming library, or for general storage in JSON files or databases.
  • Improved performance - Diagram rendering and user interactions are now faster. The control redraws the smallest possible area after diagram changes, and compresses refresh operations into a single batch when possible.
  • Custom type registration - The Custom item types registry is now stored in the page session and is handled by the ItemTypeResolver class. It is no longer required to call the RegisterItemType method for every DiagramView and NodeListView instance, but instead call RegisterItemType method only once on the first DiagramView control.
  • Flowchart graph layout (client side / JavaScript) - FlowchartLayout recognizes program code-like patterns in graphs, such as loops, sequences and if/switch branchings, and arranges them recursively.
  • Path finding (client side / JavaScript)
    • The PathFinder class provides methods that help you find paths and cycles in a graph:
    • findShortestPath finds the shortest path between two DiagramNode objects.
    • findLongestPath finds the longest path between the specified DiagramNode objects.
    • findCycle detects whether the specified DiagramNode participates in a cycle.
    • findAllPaths finds all paths that exist between two DiagramNode objects.
    • findAllCycles finds all cycles in the underlying diagram.
  • Embedded hyperlinks - Nodes and Text components with style text enabled can now contain tags to create hyperlinks. When a link is clicked, the control raises hyperlinkClicked event to let you implement navigation.
  • Container improvements
    • resizeToFitText method and EnableStyledText property added to the ContainerNode class.
    • containerChildRemoved event now also raised when dragging multiple selected child nodes out of a container.
    • Improved handling of folded containers by automatic layout classes and link routing methods.
    • containerChildAdding event handlers can stop propagation of the event up in the container hierarchy by calling setHandled.
    • Arrange method of .NET ContainerNode arranges the child items inside a container using the specified layout class.
  • Visio2013Exporter improvements
    • Visio2013Exporter processes links arrowheads.
    • Visio2013Exporter preserves the diagram Z order.
    • Visio2013Exporter exports links Text and Labels.
    • Visio2013Exporter exports Image of ShapeNode objects.
  • Visio2013Exporter improvements
    • Visio2013Exporter now performs full rendering for table, container and composite nodes.
    • Visio2013Exporter renders custom nodes that draw themselves through the IGraphics interface.
    • Coordinates of exported link end points are now assigned Visio formulas and follow the borders of resized nodes.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Text property of nodes and links has been moved to the base DiagramItem class, allowing for easier text search and edit operations in the diagram.
    • Typescript definitions now available for the Diagramming.Lanes namespace.
    • Auto-arranged link labels now can optionally be placed over link segments and containers by setting diagram's AutoArrangeAvoidSegments and AutoArrangeAvoidContainers properties to false.
    • The dispose method of Diagram class now removes a focus-proxy DIV element from the page.
    • Improved text alignment for DiagramLink texts.
    • The serializeTag event lets you save complex Tag and Id objects in XML format.
    • ImagePadding property of ShapeNode and Cell lets you set padding space between elements' borders and their Image.
    • Export overloads that write to Stream objects added to PdfExporter, VisioExporter and Visio2013Exporter.
    • Non-blocking ArrangeAsync methods run layout calculations in a background task. This is only available in .NET 4.5 build of the diagram assemblies.
    • MaxJsonLength specifies the maximum length of JSON strings that are accepted by internal JavaScriptSerializer instances.
    • NodeListView now displays nodes' ToolTip texts when the mouse hovers over an item in the list view.
    • For consistency with client side API, the .NET Diagram class now provides Arrange methods that take a layout object as argument.
    • SvgImage mode adds DiagramView specific prefixes to SVG <defs> elements, allowing for more than one DiagramView on the page.

MindFusion.Charting for WebForms

  • Miscellaneous
    • Added InnerLabelRotation, OuterLabelRotation and StackOuterLabels properties for better control over the rendering of labels in bar charts
    • The YLabelAlignment property from BiaxialChart specifies horizontal alignment of Y-axis labels
    • Text is now properly underlined when FontStyle.Underline is set
    • Client-side ToolTip improvements

MindFusion.Mapping for WebForms

  • SlippyTiles mode - MindFusion.Mapping for WebForms now supports rendering of slippy tile maps with images, provided by a Tile Map Service (TMS).
  • Cached images support improvements - Cached images, used in GdiMap mode, can now also be created from .osm files

MindFusion.Scheduling for WebForms

  • The bundled jQuery version has been upgraded to 3.4.1

MindFusion.UI for WebForms

  • The bundled jQuery version has been upgraded to 3.4.1.