Scripting potente y avanzado.
Publicado por SAPIEN Technologies
Distribuido por ComponentSource desde 2013
Precios desde: $ 442.96 Versión: 2025 (8.1.x) NUEVO Actualizado: mensual
Si necesita hablar con nosotros sobre sus requisitos de licencia para PrimalScript, póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas en licencias de SAPIEN Technologies.
A continuación, nuestros precios ordinarios. Le rogamos que inicie sesión para ver sus precios con descuento.
1 User License with 1 Year Maintenance Referencia Fabricante #: PSR25-SRNuestra Referencia #: CS-514404-1553376 |
Licencias y Entrega | $ 442.96 | Añadir a la Cesta |
One software license is required per user. One year of product maintenance and SAPIEN Product Support included. Maintenance can be renewed each year thereafter, to continue receiving updates to minor service builds, major product version releases, and product support. Each licensed user is allowed to have the software activated on a total of two devices at any given time. After your order has been processed you will receive a PackingSlip with your Activation Key and download instructions. Delivered by email, usually within 24 business hours. Entrega a través de e-mail:
1 User License with 1 Year Maintenance plus Annual Premium Support Referencia Fabricante #: PSR25-SR+SUP25-PSRNuestra Referencia #: CS-514404-1553378 |
Licencias y Entrega | $ 570.36 | Añadir a la Cesta |
One software license is required per user. One year of product maintenance and SAPIEN Product Support included. Maintenance can be renewed each year thereafter, to continue receiving updates to minor service builds, major product version releases, and product support. Each licensed user is allowed to have the software activated on a total of two devices at any given time. After your order has been processed you will receive a PackingSlip with your Activation Key and download instructions. Delivered by email, usually within 24 business hours. Entrega a través de e-mail:
You can renew a maintenance up to 3 months before and 2 months after expiration.
1 User 1 Year Maintenance Renewal Referencia Fabricante #: PSR25-RNNuestra Referencia #: CS-514404-1553380 |
Licencias y Entrega | $ 221.48 | Añadir a la Cesta |
Extends your maintenance for major releases plus Basic Support for 1 year. Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado. After verification, you will receive a PackingSlip with updated details of your Activation Key and download instructions plus your new subscription expiry date. Delivered by email, usually within 24 business hours. Entrega a través de e-mail:
1 User 1 Year Maintenance Renewal plus Annual Premium Support Referencia Fabricante #: PSR25-RN+SUP25-PSRNuestra Referencia #: CS-514404-1553384 |
Licencias y Entrega | $ 348.88 | Añadir a la Cesta |
Extends your maintenance for major releases plus Annual Premium Support for 1 year. Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado. After verification, you will receive a PackingSlip with updated details of your Activation Key and download instructions plus your new subscription expiry date. Delivered by email, usually within 24 business hours. Entrega a través de e-mail:
1 User Annual Premium Support Renewal Referencia Fabricante #: SUP25-PSRNuestra Referencia #: CS-514404-1553382 |
Licencias y Entrega | $ 127.40 | Añadir a la Cesta |
Extends your Annual Premium Support providing another 1 Year of access to SAPIEN's direct technical support ticketing system and a guaranteed response within 24 hours. Los términos de la licencia de este producto requieren que verifiquemos su elegibilidad antes de ser entregado. After verification, you will receive a PackingSlip with updated details of your Activation Key and download instructions plus your new subscription expiry date. Delivered by email, usually within 24 business hours. Entrega a través de e-mail:
One software license is required per user.
One year of product maintenance and SAPIEN Product Support included. Maintenance can be renewed each year thereafter, to continue receiving updates to minor service builds, major product version releases, and product support. Each licensed user is allowed to have the software activated on a total of two devices at any given time.
Annual Premium Support provides 1 Year of access to SAPIEN's direct technical support ticketing system and a guaranteed response within 24 hours.
The premium support package must be purchased at the same time as the initial software purchase, subscription renewal or upgrade and can be renewed on an annual basis.