Acerca de TeeSuite for .NET

Gráficos y componentes de cuadrícula para Visual Studio .NET.

TeeSuite for .NET includes a charting component and easy to use data grid for Visual Studio .NET developers. TeeSuite for .NET charts is a collection of over 60 Chart types - from common bar, line, pie to financial and statistical charts with maps and gauges, 2D, 3D views, responsive, interactive and completely customizable. The TeeSuite for .NET data grid is lightweight and fully-featured including functionalities like sorting, grouping, filtering grid data, resizable columns, grid scrolling and many formatting properties to customize the appearance of the tabular data.

TeeSuite for .NET Enterprise Edition Includes:

  • TeeChart for .NET Enterprise Edition
    TeeChart for .NET offers charting controls for a myriad of charting requirements including important vertical areas such as financial, scientific and statistical. It handles your data, creating informative and attractive charts, seamlessly across a variety of platforms including Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET with HTML5/Javascript rendering and Universal Windows Platform (UWP). TeeChart for .NET C# code may be reused with Steema's mobile TeeChart products for Xamarin to reach Android, iOS and UWP directly or via Xamarin's Forms PCL platform. TeeChart for .NET Enterprise includes TeeChart Pro for .NET, TeeChart Pro for .Xamarin.iOS, TeeChart Pro for .Xamarin.Android, TeeChart Pro for .Xamarin.Forms and TeeChart JavaScript sourcecode.
  • TeeGrid for .NET
    TeeGrid for .NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. The feature-packed .NET data grid provides features such as sorting, grouping or filtering grid data, resizable columns, master-detail view, draggable selections, grid scrolling. These built-in features can be enabled using just a few property settings. TeeGrid can be linked to any sort of database, like a Dataset, DataSource, arrays of objects or records, pure 'Virtual Mode' or any other source.

TeeSuite for .NET Pro Edition Includes:

  • TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition
    TeeChart for .NET offers charting controls for a myriad of charting requirements including important vertical areas such as financial, scientific and statistical. It handles your data, creating informative and attractive charts, seamlessly across a variety of platforms including Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET with HTML5/Javascript rendering and Universal Windows Platform (UWP). TeeChart for .NET C# code may be reused with Steema's mobile TeeChart products for Xamarin to reach Android, iOS and UWP directly or via Xamarin's Forms PCL platform. TeeChart for .NET source code is available as an option.
  • TeeGrid for .NET
    TeeGrid for .NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. The feature-packed .NET data grid provides features such as sorting, grouping or filtering grid data, resizable columns, master-detail view, draggable selections, grid scrolling. These built-in features can be enabled using just a few property settings. TeeGrid can be linked to any sort of database, like a Dataset, DataSource, arrays of objects or records, pure 'Virtual Mode' or any other source.

TeeSuite for .NET Business Edition Includes:

  • TeeChart.NET Standard Business Edition
    TeeChart for .NET Business Edition offers charting components with full cross-platform support for .NET desktops, WPF and Universal Windows Platform (UWP). It includes support for charts and gauges all from within the same charting library, with no need to obtain separate product modules downloadable to Visual Studio.NET as a Nuget package.
  • TeeGrid for .NET
    TeeGrid for .NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. The feature-packed .NET data grid provides features such as sorting, grouping or filtering grid data, resizable columns, master-detail view, draggable selections, grid scrolling. These built-in features can be enabled using just a few property settings. TeeGrid can be linked to any sort of database, like a Dataset, DataSource, arrays of objects or records, pure 'Virtual Mode' or any other source.