ReSharper C++ 2018.1

Recherchez les dépendances entre les fichiers d'en-tête qui affectent la durée de la compilation.
Avril 19, 2018
Nouvelle Version


  • Debug Step Filters - When you invoke Step Into, the Visual Studio debugger will normally step into all the functions that are called from the current statement. However, some of the functions are either trivial or so well tested, that you don’t want to step into them. This is where Step Filters comes in: with this feature you can specify functions that should always be stepped over by the debugger.
  • Includes Analyzer - New code inspection tool helps you gauge which header files in your project contribute the most in terms of lines of code to the total compilation workload.
  • Navigation improvements - The Go to File Member dialog has been redesigned. Class members are now grouped by their containing class in the results list. Moreover, with no search, active file members are sorted in the order of their declarations, and the scrolling list with the results accommodates more items. Together these changes improve the usability of the dialog by providing clearer insight into the structure of the current file.
  • Command-line code cleanup - Run cleanupcode.x86.exe on your solution, and it will automatically reformat your code, remove common redundancies, apply Clang-Tidy fix-its and common code style fixes. This instantly eliminates code style violations in a project or a solution, and ensures a uniform code base.
  • Code inspections - ReSharper C++ adds the following new built-in inspections:
    • New inspection (with a corresponding fix and a code cleanup item) that suggests replacing if statements with if constexpr statements when the condition is a compile-time constant expression.
    • A set of inspections to diagnose usages of deleted functions.
    • Control flow and usage checking inspections have been updated to work inside lambda bodies.
  • More ways to configure inspection severities - Editorconfig files can now be used to set inspection severities for any scope: the entire solution, a project, or even a specific file. Besides this, inspection severity settings can be read from the project’s DotSettings file. It means that different projects can have different sets of enabled/disabled inspections or different inspection severities.
  • Clang-Tidy integration updates - Clang-Tidy integration has received a few enhancements:
    • Bundled Clang-Tidy has been updated to version 6.0, which brings several new checks.
    • A new inspection action lets you disable a specific Clang-Tidy check in the current line by its name.
    • When the Clang-Tidy executable crashes, no system error dialogs will be shown from now on.
  • Other improvements - Other changes to ReSharper C++ include the following:
    • The #include_next preprocessor directive is now supported, for better compatibility with compilers that implement this GNU extension.
    • Typing assistance in C++ files automatically removes trailing whitespaces on Enter in order to keep your code clean of redundant whitespaces.
    • If you select an expression and open the Quick Documentation window, it will show various information about the selected expression, such as its type, value, and value category.
    • The new Tools | Unit Testing | C++ Tests | Use command-line arguments … setting controls whether ReSharper C++ should use the value of the Debugging | Local Windows Debugger | Command Arguments project property when running unit tests.
    • Performance of the completion pop-up has been improved.
New Includes Analyzer code inspection tool

ReSharper C++

Extension de Visual Studio pour le développement C++.

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