Actipro Gauge for WPF 2020.1

Ajoute des assemblys .NET Core et des packages NuGet.
Octobre 6, 2020
Nouvelle Version


Microsoft .NET Core Assemblies

  • Control products now ship in both Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft .NET Core 3.0 assembly variations. You will now be able to use native .NET Core-based Actipro assemblies in your .NET Core apps.

NuGet Packages

  • Another big request has been to supply NuGet packages for the controls. NuGet packages are published on and contain both the .NET Core and .NET Framework variations of the assemblies.


  • Added the PointerBase.SnappingMode property that can determine when snapping occurs (always, only when dragging, only for programmatic changes).
Actipro Gauge for WPF

Actipro Gauge for WPF

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