Actipro Gauge for WPF

Actipro Gauge for WPF includes a complete set of circular, linear, and digital gauge controls, along with LED lights and toggle switches. It allows you to visually render multiple data points in a compact area that is quickly recognized and understood by users. All gauge appearances can be customized using an enormous number of pre-built or custom options.

Actipro Gauge for WPF Features

  • Circular and Linear Gauges - Circular and linear gauges can recreate everything from speedometers to thermometers and rolling scales.
  • Scales and Ticks - Multiple scales can be added to each gauge, which determines the overall placement of elements like tick marks and pointers. Labels and major/minor tick marks can be added anywhere along a scale.
  • Ranges - Ranges use color bands to highlight areas of interest in a gauge. The start and end values and thickness can be...

Dernières nouvelles

Actipro Gauge for WPF 23.1.3
Actipro Gauge for WPF 23.1.3
September 12, 2023Nouvelle Version
Améliore les interactions de l’utilisateur avec les jauges.
Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
April 6, 2023Nouvelle Version
Ajoute la compatibilité avec .NET 7 et améliore les contrôles "Docking", "Grids" et "Ribbon".
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.1
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.1
March 16, 2022Nouvelle Version
Améliore la prise en charge du concepteur Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.0
Actipro Gauge for WPF 22.1.0
December 17, 2021Nouvelle Version
Prend désormais en charge la compatibilité avec Microsoft .NET 6.
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2020.1
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2020.1
October 6, 2020Nouvelle Version
Ajoute des assemblys .NET Core et des packages NuGet.
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2018.1 build 0674
Actipro Gauge for WPF 2018.1 build 0674
December 14, 2018Nouvelle Version
Mise à jour des jauges numériques segmentées pour la prise en charge des guillemets simples et doubles.

Prix à partir de : $ 244.02

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...

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Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core
  • Source Code

Prix récents
