DevExpress WinForms 22.1.5

Améliore les contrôles "PDF Viewer", "Charts" et "Scheduler".
Septembre 12, 2022
Nouvelle Version


All WinForms products

  • A calculated filed does not return values when a collection doesn't contain values for a specific field.
  • Reporting - The "Object is currently in use elsewhere." error may occur while generating reports after upgrade to v22.1.

Data Access Library

  • SqlDataSource - Master-Detail Relation Editor does not display copied queries.

MVVM Framework

  • MVVMContext.IsDesignMode method does not work correctly with the Microsoft .NET 6 framework.

PDF Viewer

  • Rendering - JPX images with non-standard bit depth are rendered incorrectly.

Project Templates

  • Template gallery renames an existing folder based on the project name.


  • The caret is shown after a paragraph mark on an attempt to put the caret at the end of a field.

XtraBars Suite

  • Accessibility objects are not released after they are used.
  • Accordion Control - Element captions may be trimmed if a custom font's settings are specified.
  • Accordion Control's width is incorrectly calculated after the hamburger button is rapidly clicked.
  • AccordionControl - NullReferenceException occurs when Accordion Control is disposed of and the SelectedElement property is set to null.
  • AccordionControl - ShowPopupForm method does not work when ActiveGroupDisplayMode is set to GroupHeaderAndContent and RootDisplayMode is set to Footer.
  • AccordionControl - The SVG icon palette is not applied to the element's icon.
  • AccordionControl's context menu is closed after its item is clicked.
  • Alert Form created with an HTML/CSS template is minimized whenever its owner form is minimized.
  • BarEditItem - The background color of an editor cannot be changed in the WXI Skin.
  • BarItems in FluentForm overlap the form's caption when AccordionControl is collapsed.
  • Buttons in the Microsoft Office Navigation Bar's customization dialog are not resized to fit their text when localization is applied.
  • Disposing of a control used with the DocumentManager.ClientControl property may not release its handle.
  • DockManager - A created float panel is not visible on a screen.
  • FluentDesignForm incorrectly calculates its caption bar's hit information.
  • FlyoutDialog is incorrectly scaled on high-DPI monitors.
  • Hamburger Menu - Accordion Control's lines and bottom border "jump" when the menu is minimized.
  • Interaction with ToolbarForm's toolbar items activates the main form when a floating document is active.
  • NullReference exception occurs in XAF applications with RibbonControl if an Accessibility client is enabled.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when RadialMenu is opened multiple times.
  • RibbonControl - The Trimming property does not work for ribbon pages.
  • RibbonControl - Two items can be focused at the same time by using keyboard navigation.
  • RibbonControl cannot highlight categories in the WXI skin.
  • StandaloneBarDockControl - The control's height cannot be calculated automatically when the control is placed in a LayoutControl.
  • The value of the BarEditItem.EditHeight property is not multiplied in high-DPI environments.

XtraCharts Suite

  • Chart for WinForms - A spline series is drawn incorrectly when a logarithmic axis scale and a segment-based colorizer are used.
  • Chart for WinForms - Line Series Views - The LineStyle.LineJoin option has no effect.
  • ChartControl's SaveToFile method is executed with a delay if annotations are anchored to series points.

XtraEditors Library

  • "Place solution and project in the same directory" option is not taken into account when using the Template Gallery.
  • A handled InvalidOperationException is constantly thrown when accessibility tools are used with an application targeting Microsoft .NET 7 Preview.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when an auto filter row and the WXI skin are used.
  • ButtonEdit - HAlignment property is completely ignored if it's specified at the default appearance settings level.
  • Click events are generated on clicking HTML elements with the "visibility: hidden" CSS property.
  • ColorEdit - Tab scrolling buttons are missing when the tabs do not fit in the popup window.
  • DateEdit - Modifications of the time part in the popup calendar are not taken into account when the popup is closed using the Enter key right after the modifications.
  • DirectX - An endless loop occurs in the DWriteProvider.CalculateGlyphRun method on drawing text.
  • EditForm - Editors created in the Edit Form are not in Advanced Mode even when UseAdvancedMode option is enabled.
  • FilterControl - An editor with increased width exceeds the visible boundaries.
  • FilterPanelControl's operator text may be truncated when a non-default font is applied to it.
  • FluentDesignForm - An accordion group is not refreshed when its state is changed using the AccordionControlElement.Expanded property.
  • GroupControl with the enabled AutoSize property does not have disabled appearance when placed in a disabled control.
  • HtmlContainerControl - The GetContentSize method returns an incorrect height when multi-line text is used.
  • HyperLinkEdit - The caret and selection aren't visible while the WXI skin is active.
  • ListBoxControl - Template's BackColor property does not take effect.
  • MemoEdit paddings are different from TextEdit paddings in the WXICompact skin.
  • MemoEdit slowly scrolls its content in Advanced mode.
  • MemoExEdit - There's no way to navigate between text lines by using arrow keys if a column is read-only and the WXI skin is used.
  • NavigationFrame - Page selection form is incorrectly displayed in the .NET 5/6 designer.
  • NavigationPane - The size does not adapt when a caption is changed in code.
  • Opening an SVG image with UTF-16 encoding causes the "There is no Unicode byte order mark. Cannot switch to Unicode." error.
  • Pressing Ctrl+Insert in a masked editor initiates a paste operation instead of a copy operation.
  • Re-assigning TokenEdit's data source in the BeforePopup event handler may not immediately update its tokens.
  • RepositoryItemMemoEdit - Incorrect text appears briefly when DirectX is used.
  • ScrollBar - The background is drawn black if the ScrollShaft skin element is transparent.
  • SimpleButton - The button is incorrectly painted at the start when its PaintStyle option is set to Light.
  • SVG - Text position may be calculated incorrectly when it is centered.
  • TabPane - Header line is incorrectly drawn when a control is docked to the right.
  • TabStop works incorrectly if the WXI skin is set at runtime.
  • TextEdit - The editor flashes with the previous value during the transition animation.
  • TextEdit - UnableToCreateMaskManagerException is thrown on using EnableCustomMaskTextInput after the form is initialized.
  • TextEdit's size is incorrect when the Anchor property is set to Right in the WXI skin.
  • The CS0655 error is thrown when the AllowBlankInput property is used at the data source layer.
  • The exception is thrown in the UpdateElementLocation method when HtmlContentControl is located on a collapsed panel.
  • The NullReferenceException is thrown in the EditMaskAttribute property.
  • The TokenEdit.DoValidate method does not work in Advanced Mode.
  • The WXI skin - Appearance settings are not applied to a disabled editor.
  • The WXI skin - The Appearance settings are not applied to a read-only editor.
  • There is no indication that GroupControl is disabled using the Control.Enabled property when a custom border color is used.
  • TokenEdit in Advanced Mode cannot be focused using the Tab key until it is activated at least once.
  • TokenEdit with the WXI skin - EditValue is not assigned when a popup is opened and the Tab key is pressed.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio crashes on hovering over the SvgImageBox control in the .NET designer.
  • WXI Skin - Is it possible to add an image for the "FOCUSED CHECKED" state to SkinManager for SimpeButton?.
  • ZoomTrackBarControl - Plus/minus buttons aren't visible when a non-standard DPI is used on the main monitor.
  • ZoomTrackBarControl - The '+' button does not work correctly when double numbers are used.


  • GanttControl - The OriginalTaskStart and OriginalTaskFinish properties of the TaskMoved event arguments return updated start and finish dates.

XtraGrid Suite

  • Accessibility objects are not released after they are used.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when a data source is changed if header search text is assigned.
  • Design Time - The grid's popup menu remains open until a user clicks one of its items.
  • EmbeddedNavigator is sometimes incorrectly drawn when the WXI skin is used with DirectX.
  • Microsoft Excel-style column filter may refresh its unique value collection while this collection is being iterated.
  • Filter search in the tree-style Values tab of a DateTime column's Excel-style filter pop-up does not work.
  • AutoFilterRow icons disappear if the row's background color is set to a semitransparent color.
  • HTML element click events do not fire in detail views.
  • Clipboard formatting is not copied when a format rule is applied to the whole row (ApplyToRow=true).
  • The dragged row's preview border is not visible in the High Contrast skin.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when displaying the list of fields for the FieldName property of a column at design time.
  • The column header ignores the <br> tag and is drawn as a single line when ColumnHeaderAutoHeight is enabled and the HAlignment is set to any value but Default.
  • The e.HitInfo.View object is null in the PopupMenuShowing event when the popup menu is invoked with the context menu key.
  • The RepositoryItemHypertextLabel.CustomDisplayText event does not work when a cell is active and the WXI skin is selected.
  • ItemsView - There is no way to set the background color.
  • LabelControl's text in LayoutControl is truncated.
  • LayoutView - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown at the GetTouchScrollCardsCore method.
  • System.OverflowException is thrown when the Excel filter popup is opened.
  • TreeList - The dragged node content is shifted in a preview.
  • WinExplorerView - NullReferenceException is thrown when there is a hover style in the template and HTML syntax is inserted during the CustomizeItem event.

XtraLayout Suite

  • LabelControl's text in LayoutControl is truncated.
  • Layout Control - The Acrylic Accent effect does not work when the EnableAcrylicAccent property is enabled.
  • LayoutControl - The ItemDragging event is not raised.
  • The tab page is destroyed when LayoutConverter is used to convert TabNavigationPage.


  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the SqlGeometryLoaderCore.Load method when loading CIRCULARSTRING using SqlGeometryItem.FromWkt.


  • Collapsed state is incorrectly drawn when the WXI Compact skin is set dynamically.
  • NavBarControl has a large width when the WXI Compact skin is used.


  • An image in a specific DOC file is rendered with incorrect colors in RichEditControl.
  • The caret is shown after a paragraph mark on an attempt to put the caret at the end of a field.


  • It is impossible to reset the VerticalNodeIntent property value.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • Appointment flyouts are not displayed in .NET 6 applications after the context menu is shown.
  • The font color is not adjusted when using HTML templates.
  • HTML template is not applied for the TimeLine view.
  • Split function does not work when the TimeLine view is used and the AutoHeightMode property is set to Full.
  • Text is drawn incorrectly when the HTML template is used and the DirectX and AllowHTMLText options are disabled.
  • The TimeIntervalEventArgs.Interval property does not contain the full visible interval in the FetchAppointments event handler.
  • XtraSchedulerReport - There is no capability to insert the Group Footer and Report Footer bands in VS Designer.


  • A comment doesn't show a resize hot-zone after it was clicked with the left mouse button.
  • The ReplaceAll button of the Find&Replace dialog only replaces text in the current cell if this cell is merged.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • Certain nodes cannot be selected or remain visible even if they do not meet the filtering condition if new nodes were added when the filter was enabled.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • Row values remain the same after data source values are updated when the SelectedObjects property is used in certain cases.
  • Type name is incorrect when ITypedList is used.
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms

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