Actipro Bar Code for WPF

Actipro Bar Code for WPF makes it easy to add the most common 2D and linear bar codes to any application or report. It takes all the work out of the bar code generation process by allowing you to simply say what value to encode. It automatically calculates any appropriate checksums and generates the resulting bar code for you. The output is completely customizable with many options, everything from setting the bar height to display of the encoded value below the bar lines.

Actipro Bar Code for WPF Features

Symbologies - All of the most common 2D and linear bar code symbologies are included.

  • 2D Symbologies - A 2D symbology, originally used in automotive manufacturing, that is now used worldwide for a wide variety of purposes. It is readable by most mobile devices with cameras and can be used to display text to a user, add a vCard contact to the user's device, open a URL, or compose a text message or e-mail. Features include automatic detection of best version...

Dernières nouvelles

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Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
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Ajoute la compatibilité avec .NET 7 et améliore les contrôles "Docking", "Grids" et "Ribbon".
Actipro Bar Code for WPF 22.1.1
Actipro Bar Code for WPF 22.1.1
March 16, 2022Nouvelle Version
Améliore la prise en charge du concepteur Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
Actipro Bar Code for WPF 22.1.0
Actipro Bar Code for WPF 22.1.0
December 17, 2021Nouvelle Version
Prend désormais en charge la compatibilité avec Microsoft .NET 6.
Actipro Bar Code for WPF 2020.1
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October 6, 2020Nouvelle Version
Ajoute des assemblys .NET Core et des packages NuGet.
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September 25, 2014Édition
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Actipro Bar Code for WPF adds 2D QR Code
Actipro Bar Code for WPF adds 2D QR Code
March 7, 2011Édition
Version 2011.1 includes a complete QR Code implementation that fully adheres to standards.

Prix à partir de : $ 97.02

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...

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Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core
  • Source Code

Prix récents
