Actipro Bars for WPF

Actipro Bars for WPF comes packed with everything you need to implement advanced ribbons, toolbars, and menus in your applications. The Bars product has been built from the ground up to support MVVM creation of the entire user interface if desired. An open source companion MVVM library is available that provides a full set of view models and related UI bindings to easily configure and manage your ribbons, toolbars, and menus.

Actipro Bars for WPF Features

  • Ribbon - Ribbon implements an Office-like user interface, complete with dynamic variant sizing, modern themes, fluent animations, and extensive customization capabilities. Ribbon consolidates all user interface commands into a single location, which is easy to use and scales up and down well, thereby providing fast access to all commands, regardless of window size.
    • Variant Sizing - Ribbon consolidates all commands into a single location, which is easy to use and...

Dernières nouvelles

Améliorez l'expérience utilisateur de votre application WPF avec une MiniToolBar
Améliorez l'expérience utilisateur de votre application WPF avec une MiniToolBar
March 4, 2024Product Update
Actipro Bars for WPF 24.1.1 comporte un nouveau contrôle MiniToolBar, proposant aux utilisateurs un moyen pratique d’interagir avec les outils pertinents.
Actipro Bars for WPF 23.1.1
Actipro Bars for WPF 23.1.1
June 14, 2023Nouvelle Version
Ajoute une méthode qui met à jour les propriétés du modèle d'affichage à partir des données "DisplayAttribute" après une modification des paramètres régionaux.

Prix à partir de : $ 244.02

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...

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Actipro Software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de Actipro Software.
Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core
  • Source Code

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