Prix de Actipro Charts for UWP

Pour en savoir plus sur les licences Actipro Charts for UWP, contactez nos experts en licences Actipro Software.

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Toutes les Licences (16)
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Actipro Charts 22.1 for UWP - New Perpetual Licenses

All new licenses include a free subscription that includes priority support and free upgrades for one year

Single Developer License

Référence Editeur # : #5285Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189250

Licences et Livraison $ 195.02 Ajouter au Caddie

A Single Developer License allows one individual developer to install and use multiple copies of the software or any prior version, but may not be shared or used concurrently by more than one individual developer.

In a project that uses the software, each individual developer on the project requires a separate Single Developer License, regardless of whether they directly use the component or not.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Single Developer License (Min Qty: 2)

Référence Editeur # : #5285Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189252

Licences et Livraison $ 175.52 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 2

A Single Developer License allows one individual developer to install and use multiple copies of the software or any prior version, but may not be shared or used concurrently by more than one individual developer.

In a project that uses the software, each individual developer on the project requires a separate Single Developer License, regardless of whether they directly use the component or not.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Single Developer License (Min Qty: 3)

Référence Editeur # : #5285Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189274

Licences et Livraison $ 156.02 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 3

A Single Developer License allows one individual developer to install and use multiple copies of the software or any prior version, but may not be shared or used concurrently by more than one individual developer.

In a project that uses the software, each individual developer on the project requires a separate Single Developer License, regardless of whether they directly use the component or not.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Single Developer License (Min Qty: 5)

Référence Editeur # : #5285Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189276

Licences et Livraison $ 136.51 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

A Single Developer License allows one individual developer to install and use multiple copies of the software or any prior version, but may not be shared or used concurrently by more than one individual developer.

In a project that uses the software, each individual developer on the project requires a separate Single Developer License, regardless of whether they directly use the component or not.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Single Developer License (Min Qty: 8)

Référence Editeur # : #5285Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189254

Licences et Livraison $ 117.01 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 8

A Single Developer License allows one individual developer to install and use multiple copies of the software or any prior version, but may not be shared or used concurrently by more than one individual developer.

In a project that uses the software, each individual developer on the project requires a separate Single Developer License, regardless of whether they directly use the component or not.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Site License

Référence Editeur # : #5286Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189256

Licences et Livraison $ 1,518.02 Ajouter au Caddie

A Site License grants each of the developers at a single physical location a Single Developer License. Each additional physical location requires an additional Site License.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Enterprise License

Référence Editeur # : #5287Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189266

Licences et Livraison $ 3,037.02 Ajouter au Caddie

An Enterprise License grants all developers in the Licensee's organization, regardless of location, a Single Developer License.

After successfully placing your order, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Source Code Blueprint License

Référence Editeur # : #5288Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189268

Licences et Livraison $ 459.62 Ajouter au Caddie

A Blueprint License, grants each properly licensed Developer access to the Source Code of the software. The Blueprint License must be purchased at the same time as a Site License, Enterprise License, or one or more Single Developer Licenses.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software and activate it on the Actipro website using the Serial Numbers provided.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Charts for UWP

Actipro Charts for UWP - Subscription Renewals

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Single Developer License Subscription Renewal

Référence Editeur # : #5289Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189258

Licences et Livraison $ 116.62 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Single Developer License Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 2)

Référence Editeur # : #5289Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189278

Licences et Livraison $ 104.96 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 2

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Single Developer License Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 3)

Référence Editeur # : #5289Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189280

Licences et Livraison $ 93.30 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 3

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Single Developer License Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 5)

Référence Editeur # : #5289Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189260

Licences et Livraison $ 81.63 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Single Developer License Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 8)

Référence Editeur # : #5289Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189262

Licences et Livraison $ 69.97 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 8

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Site License Subscription Renewal

Référence Editeur # : #5290Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189264

Licences et Livraison $ 910.42 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Enterprise License Subscription Renewal

Référence Editeur # : #5291Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189270

Licences et Livraison $ 1,831.62 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your priority support and free upgrades for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Source Code Blueprint Subscription Renewal

Référence Editeur # : #5292Notre Référence #: CS-548491-1189272

Licences et Livraison $ 273.42 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends access to priority support and updates to the source code for a further year

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, you will be able to immediately download the latest update of the software from your account on the Actipro website.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Actipro Subscription Renewal confirmation and new expiry date

Actipro Charts for UWP Licensing

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product or not, since the entire project benefits by using the Actipro product.

Perpetual Licenses

  • Single Developer License - a perpetual license that comes with a free subscription that includes priority support and free upgrades for one year. The license grants a single developer the right to use the software, or any prior version, in production applications and to include any files marked as redistributable with the applications.
  • Site License - a perpetual license that comes with a free subscription that includes priority support and free upgrades for one year. It provides developer licenses to all developers in an organization at a single physical location, such as an office building. The license grants developers the right to use the software in production applications and to include any files marked as redistributable with the applications.
  • Enterprise License - Is a perpetual license that comes with a free subscription that includes priority support and free upgrades for one year. It provides developer licenses to all developers in an organization at any of the organization's physical locations. The license grants developers the right to use the software in production applications and to include any files marked as redistributable with the applications.
  • Blueprint License - An optional extra that licenses product source code to any developers who hold developer licenses for the product. Its subscription term must be kept in sync with the related developer license subscriptions. The Blueprint license has special restrictions that are indicated in the EULA for each product.
  • SyntaxEditor Add-ons - Require that you own SyntaxEditor. Please note that you do NOT require an Enterprise license of the add-on's related product to purchase an add-on license. An add-on's Enterprise license may be purchased even if you only have a single developer license for the add-on's related product.

All new licenses include a free subscription for one year covering both support and maintenance.


Subscriptions encompass both support and maintenance and include:

  • Priority support for one year.
  • Free upgrades for one year.

Blueprint Renewals extend access to priority support and updates to the source code for a further year.

Subscription Renewals - Grace Period

Subscription renewals extend support and maintenance for a further year and must be placed within 30 days of the previous subscription's renewal date. Failure to renew within this grace period may incur additional charges when renewing later.

Subscription Renewals - Date Alignment

For Customers who choose to renew before or after their previous subscription's expiration date, Actipro align all new subscription renewals to the end of the expiring subscription.

For example, if a subscription was set to expire on July 21st, 2017 and you renewed the subscription on July 6th, 2017 (15 days early), the new subscription would begin on July 21st, 2017 and end on July 21st, 2018.

Thus it is fine to renew a few days before or after your actual expiration date, as the subscription renewal will always align to the end of the expiring subscription.

Subscription Renewals - Co-term / Sync Expiry dates

Customers looking to align all their Subscription end dates to a common date, please contact us for a tailored quote.

Contrats de licence