À propos de Actipro Icons Essentials

Un ensemble d'icônes conçues professionnellement qui peuvent facilement être employées avec n'importe quelle application logicielle ou site Web.

Actipro Icons Essentials is a professionally designed bundle of 10 categorized icon sets, containing over 2,500 unique icon designs, all in the Microsoft Office style. Each icon is included in multiple sizes, in both alpha-blended PNG format and Icon format, and in three states: normal, hot, and disabled. Altogether there are over 30,000 total image files included in Actipro Icons Essentials. Actipro Icons Essentials includes 10 categorized icon sets: Basics Set, Business Set, Communication and Management Set, Database Set, Hardware and Networking Set, Imaging Set,Miscellaneous Set, Multimedia Set, People Set, Word Processing and Spreadsheet Set.

Actipro Icons Essentials is a professionally-designed bundle of 10 categorized icon sets, containing over 2,500 unique icon designs, all in the Office style. When counting the size, state, and format variations of each design, there are over 80,000 images included in the bundle. All Actipro Icons are implemented in 16x16 and 32x32 pixel sizes, with normal, hot and disabled states for each. It's important to look closely at the quality of the icons at the 32x32 and 16x16 pixel sizes as every single icon has been "cleaned up" following scaling, and a good amount of extra work has been done in some cases to get icons looking at their best in 32x32 and 16x16 sizes. Please, visit the 'Evals and Downloads' section to download the Actipro Icons Sampler. The sampler includes several free icons that show the quality of the icons you receive in the complete Actipro Icons Essentials bundle.

Actipro Icons Essentials includes 10 categorized icon sets:

  • Basics Set
  • Business Set
  • Communication and Management Set
  • Database Set
  • Development Set
  • Hardware and Networking Set
  • Imaging Set
  • Multimedia Set
  • People Set
  • Word Processing and Spreadsheet Set