Prix de Category Column

Pour en savoir plus sur les licences Category Column, contactez nos experts en licences ArtfulBits.

Nos prix réguliers sont présentés ci-dessous. Veuillez vous connecter pour voir vos prix réduits.

Toutes les Licences (3)
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Devise :

Category Column V2.1

Single SharePoint Farm License

Notre Référence #: CS-541165-1188770

Licences et Livraison $ 245.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per Single SharePoint Farm.

After placing your order, you will be contacted by our sales team for your Farm ID. This information is used to generate your license. Licenses are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • ArtfulBits Category Column License Key and Download Link

Single SharePoint Farm License with 1 Year Support Subscription (support and software updates)

Notre Référence #: CS-541165-1188772

Licences et Livraison $ 637.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per Single SharePoint Farm.

After placing your order, you will be contacted by our sales team for your Farm ID. This information is used to generate your license. Licenses are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • ArtfulBits Category Column License Key and Download Link

1 Year Support Subscription Renewal (support and software updates)

Notre Référence #: CS-541165-1188774

Licences et Livraison $ 392.00 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your Subscription for a further 12 months.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your new Subscription expiry date will be sent to you by email. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • New Subscription Expiry date

Category Column Licensing

One software license is required per Single SharePoint Farm.

Subscription provides the following benefits for 1 year

  • One year of prioritized support
  • Access to ArtfulBits Issue Tracking System
  • Access to live interaction with the ArtfulBits developers team, including communication using Instant Messengers, like: Skype, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo!, GTalk...
  • Direct communication with the ArtfulBits team
  • Access to latest fixes
  • Access to latest samples
  • Access to latest tutorial
  • Access to product beta testing area
  • Custom builds and fixes on demand
  • Live consulting
  • Additional documentation or tutorials
  • Help in issues solving, optimization, etc.

Contrats de licence