Cloud Mail .NET Edition

Cloud Mail simplifies sending, receiving and managing mail using popular cloud services including Amazon SES, Microsoft 365 (Outlook Mail), and Gmail. Modern authentication and security options including OAuth, TLS 1.3 and TLS 1.2 are also supported.

Cloud Mail Features

  • FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptography.
  • Support for all major cloud service providers.
  • CloudMailer component supports all providers in one API.
  • Individual components for advanced provider-specific functionality.
  • Inuitive and simple authentication options.
  • Contact management including create, list, and delete operations.
  • Easy attachment handling.
  • A complete unified framework with a common, easy-to-learn object model and simplified interfaces enable you to do more.
  • Components are...

Dernières nouvelles

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Cloud Mail 2022
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October 18, 2022Nouvelle Version
Le nouveau composant CloudMailer envoie des e-mails HTML via Amazon SES, Gmail ou Microsoft Graph à l’aide d’une API standard.
Cloud Mail maintenant disponible
Cloud Mail maintenant disponible
July 5, 2022Nouveau produit
Envoyez, recevez et gérez les e-mails à l’aide de services cloud populaires.

Prix à partir de : $ 545.09

Developer License - A non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide right and license for the number of Developer(s) indicated in the Order Form to install the Software on any number of...

Cloud Mail .NET Edition est également disponible en :

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/n software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de /n software.
Component Type
  • .NET Framework & Cross-platform Components

Prix récents
