DevExpress VCL Subscription 16.1.3 released

Released: Aug 8, 2016

Mises à jour de 16.1.3


ExpressBars Suite

  • TdxBarButton and its descendants - Add the capability to repeatedly raise the OnClick event while holding down the mouse button over a bar item being clicked.

ExpressMap Control

  • Add the capability to customize the position of text displayed by custom elements and pushpins (TdxMapPointer descendants).


  • Add the capability to load documents that do not conform to the PDF/A standards.
  • Add the capability to localize UI elements using TcxLocalizer.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Export to HTML, XLS, XLSX, or XML - Improve performance when exporting grid data only, without layout information.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Make the TcxCalculateEventLayout.Intersect method virtual.


  • Add the capability to override built-in functions.
  • Add the capability to protect individual worksheets and/or a workbook structure from accidental changes.

ExpressEditors Library

  • TcxButton - Add the capability to repeatedly raise the OnClick event while holding down the mouse button over a button being clicked.


ExpressBars Suite

  • Invoking the Customization Form at design time unassigns a bar manager's OnItemLinkAdd, OnItemLinkChange, and OnItemLinkDelete event handlers.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonBackstageView - The Back button is cropped at high DPI settings (more than 96).
  • TcxBarEditItem - Clicking a linked control to switch the currently active tabbed page containing a focused control prohibits focusing a control located on the page being activated.
  • The "Add Toolbar" dialog invoked via the BarManager customization form is incorrectly positioned at runtime when a built-in VCL style is applied to an application.

ExpressDocking Library

  • The Hide caption button's glyph is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96).

ExpressLayout Control

  • Import - The size of non-container controls is modified on linking them with layout items.
  • Switching the Touch mode doesn't scale the expand button and action buttons displayed by layout groups.
  • The OnTabChanged event is not fired when a tab is closed.

ExpressEditors Library

  • All DevExpress editors - Custom Styles.Font settings are replaced with the parent control's font settings at high DPI settings (more than 96) in an application built with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.
  • cxComboBox - The editor's dropdown window is shown with a delay in Windows 10.
  • TcxTimeEdit - A NULL value cannot be assigned to the EditValue property at design time.
  • TdxCameraControl - Deactivating an application doesn't close the currently open Settings popup menu.
  • TdxCameraControl - The memory footprint constantly increases on switching camera resolutions in the Settings popup menu.
  • The TcxDBEditDataBinding.SetStoredValue procedure applies a workaround to the VarToBcd issue when compiling in RAD Studio XE2 or later (in which it was fixed).
  • Touch support - The drop-down list's content cannot be panned in TcxCustomComboBox descendants.


  • In certain cases, memory leaks when a form containing DevExpress editors is destroyed immediately after creation.
  • TcxButton - The drop-down button is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96) if the Kind property is set to cxbkDropDownButton.
  • TdxCalloutPopup - An AV occurs on displaying a TCustomForm descendant embedded to a callout popup.

ExpressMap Control

  • An AV occurs on adding an element to the TdxMapPath.Segments collection at runtime.
  • Error messages about missing TdxMap~ classes are displayed on loading a recent project at the IDE's startup if this project contains a form with a map control.


  • Adding an item fails due to misleading AutoIncrement information.
  • TdxDBOrgChart - The ftLongWord, ftShortint, and ftByte data type fields are not considered as valid Integer type fields.


  • An AV occurs on calling the Document.LoadFrom~ methods to load a document that contains references to invalid objects.
  • Loading a document resets the OptionsZoom.ZoomFactor and OptionsZoom.ZoomMode property values.
  • Text is painted using incorrect colors in certain cases.
  • The PDF Viewer locked for updates by the BeginUpdate method call is repainted in certain cases.

ExpressPivotGrid Suite

  • Refreshing the pivot grid shuffles rows/columns of a field whose values are sorted by summary values.

ExpressPrinting System

  • All Report Links - The AssignedFormatValues property flags are incorrectly updated in response to changes made to the DateFormat, TimeFormat, or PageNumberFormat property value.
  • Export to PDF - Memory leaks with GDI objects created by the export operation.
  • Export to PDF - Possible memory errors on exporting 24-bit images with odd width if the UseJPEGCompression export option is set to False.
  • Print dialog - The Name combo box's content appears truncated with high DPI settings (more than 96).
  • Report Preview dialog - Margins and status bar items are incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96).

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Banded Table View - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs on pressing the Tab or Enter key while a cell is focused in the rightmost column and the View's OptionsBehavior.FocusCellOnCycle property is set to False.
  • Changes to the scxGridFindPanelInfoText resource string are not immediately applied to an empty Find box if the Find Panel is currently displayed.
  • Export - A column's GroupSummaryAlignment property setting is ignored.
  • In Grid mode, errors occur on scrolling a grid View and displaying a modal dialog in the bound dataset's BeforePost event handler.
  • Master-Detail - The Find Panel does not display the Find box in detail Views whose FindPanel.DisplayMode is set to fpdmAlways.
  • Table View and Banded Table View - Group summaries and their separators are incorrectly aligned with corresponding columns if the View's OptionsView.GroupSummaryLayout property is set to gslAlignWithColumnsAndDistribute.
  • Table View and descendants - Filter Row or New Item Row is not editable if View's OptionsBehavior.FixedGroups and OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode properties are set to True and rsmByPixel, respectively.
  • The "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurs on panning an empty grid View in Touch mode.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • Certain UI elements in the "Bullets and Numbering" dialog cannot be localized.
  • Images are not exported to an HTML file referenced by a relative path.
  • Modify Style dialog - An AV occurs on selecting a programmatically created style.
  • Setting the ReadOnly property to True disables the ShowPrintForm and ShowPrintPreviewForm commands.
  • The "Invalid typecast" error occurs on loading an RTF file that contains images (binary data) referenced by the \bin keyword's argument.
  • The \deff keyword is ignored when loading an RTF document.
  • The Options.Export.Html.EmbedImages property value is ignored.
  • The TdxRichEditControlShowInsertMergeFieldForm and TdxRichEditControlToggleViewMergedData actions are enabled if a dataset bound to the Rich Edit control has no fields.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • TcxSchedulerGridConnection - The Label column's drop-down window in a bound grid View can be displayed only once.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - Skinned forms are repainted every second if no screen saver is selected in the "Screen Saver Settings" dialog and the computer was not in use for the number of minutes specified by the Wait field in this dialog.
  • Form - The size of the non-client area in a maximized form is incorrect.


  • In Check As You Type mode, errors occur on scrolling content of an editor being checked in certain cases.


  • A type conversion error occurs as a result of copying a cell containing an error formula expression result to the clipboard.
  • An AV occurs on invoking the "Find and Replace" dialog after destroying the Spreadsheet control in which this dialog was invoked for the first time.
  • An AV occurs when a spreadsheet is being exported to the XLSX file format if the first rule in a list of conditional formatting rules is applied to the A1 cell.
  • Bounds of a floating picture container anchored to a single cell are incorrectly saved to the XLS file format.
  • Export/Import to/from XLSX - The spreadsheet control's OptionsView.HorizontalScrollBar, OptionsView.VerticalScrollBar, and PageControl.Visible property values and a worksheet's Options.Header property value are not exported/imported.
  • In certain cases, not all conditional formatting rule styles are imported from XLS files.
  • Outlines (groups) are expanded/collapsed very slowly.
  • Pressing the Shift+Del key combination several times causes the "Cannot open clipboard: Access is denied" error.
  • The "Find and Replace" dialog freezes an application if the replacement string ends with the search string.
  • The "Unresolved external link" error occurs if the control is compiled by C++Builder XE2 without runtime packages.
  • The height of border line style examples in the Format Cells dialog is not affected by the current DPI.
  • The selection is not restored on loading XLSX documents.
  • The SUMIF and AVERAGEIF functions do not accept column and row references as an optional parameter.
  • The TdxSpreadSheetUnhideRows and TdxSpreadSheetUnhideColumns actions create redundant row/column objects.
  • Thin, medium, thick, and medium dash-dot-dot cell borders are incorrectly copied/pasted from/to Microsoft Excel using the clipboard.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • In certain cases, the grid navigator's information panel displays incorrect record data in Grid mode if a bound dataset supports sequence numbers.

ExpressWizard Control

  • An AV occurs on displaying a form inherited from a form that contains a wizard control extended with custom buttons.
  • The height of embedded controls whose Anchors property value includes the akTop and akBottom flags is decreased on running an application or recreating a form.

Installation (VCL)

  • Certain Data and Tag properties are not 64-bit compatible.
  • Documentation - Clicking cross-product links in CHM help files does not navigate to corresponding topics.