
EdrawProj gives you a flexible and interactive view of the project schedule. The auto interaction between the table list and Gantt view allows you to schedule, organize and track projects with minimum effort. Ideal for project management, view all project plans in one place. The intuitive drag-and-drop functionality makes it simple to prioritize, change the start date, duration of tasks. Also, with one click to set dependency to help you align tasks and avoid delay. With these easy-to-use features, anyone can create professional and clear Gantt charts in minutes and manage processes easily.

EdrawProj Features:

  • Add Milestones - Add important milestones to your plan to mark significant events and other decision points.
  • Baseline - Compare your initial plan and the project’s actual progress with a baseline to avoid any delay.
  • Task Link - Set up dependencies between tasks so one can’t start until the others has been completed.
  • Critical Path - Use a critical path to indicate the minimum time required to complete a project.
  • Export - Export a Gantt chart in editable formats including Word...

Dernières nouvelles

Planifiez et gérez les ressources de projet
Planifiez et gérez les ressources de projet
August 6, 2024Publisher Update
EdrawProj v3.6 introduit un planificateur de ressources pour optimiser l’allocation des ressources, équilibrer les charges de travail et améliorer l’efficacité du projet.

Prix à partir de : $ 57.82

One Software License is required per user. Annual License: You will need to purchase an Annual license each year to continue to use the software. Supports Windows, Mac and Linux, 1-year free upgrades...

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Discutez en direct avec l'un de nos spécialiste des licences Edraw .

En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de Edraw.
Product Type
  • Application

Prix récents
