Entity Developer 7.2.10

Released: Jan 17, 2024

Mises à jour de 7.2.10


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9 Preview is now supported.
  • Added a new "Show System Schemas" option. If the check box is selected, database objects from system schemas will be retrieved (SQL Server).
  • Added a new "Retrieve Cross Schema Relations". If the check box is selected, foreign keys from different schemas will be retrieved. This can take some time (SQL Server).

Entity Framework support

  • Entity Framework Core 8 is now supported.
  • .NET 8 has been added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF and EF Core models.
  • Added the new extended property 'Do Not Generate OnConfiguring Method' for the model in EF Core Model.


  • Fixed the bug with detecting numeric and string literals, specified within round brackets, when generating initialization of properties basing on Oracle columns' default values in EF, EF Core, NHibernate models (ODP.NET).
  • Fixed the hang of Visual Studio 2022 when saving the model.

Entity Framework support

  • Fixed the bug with unnecessary generation of the GetByKey() method in a repository for entities without primary key (QueryType=True) in EF Core.
  • Fixed the bug with wrongly turned on without the ability to turn off options "Detect Many-to-Many associations" and "Detect Table-Per-Type inheritances" in Model Settings of EF Core 1, 2, 3 models.
  • Fixed the bug with the availability of the "Table-Per-Type Hierarchy (TPT)" option in the "Model Refactoring" dialog of EF Core 1, 2, 3 models.
  • Fixed the bug with the availability of the "Table-Per-Concrete-Type Hierarchy (TPC)" option in the "Model Refactoring" dialog of EF Core 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 models.