ExpressNavigationPack 23.2.4
Released: Jan 31, 2024
Mises à jour de 23.2.4
ExpressBars Suite
- "Argument out of Range" exception occurs after gesture-scrolling the dropdown list of TcxBarEditItem with TcxImageCombobox properties.
- Descenders of TcxBarEditItem's text are truncated if an application uses the WXI skin and the monitor DPI is 96.
- TdxBarDBNavigator still uses raster icons.
- TdxRibbonBackstageView is incorrectly drawn in RightToLeft mode.
- WXI:
- A button whose ButtonStyle is bsCheckedDropDown does not reflect its checked state.
- RibbonForm system's button size is too small.
- Rounded corners are drawn for the drop-down button in BarEditItem.
ExpressEditors Library
- Icon Library is not available if user's directory does not exist.
- TcxImage blurs its edges when the ifmStretch FitMode is used.
- TcxImageList's editor uses the wrong TGraphic descendant when .ico files are added.
- TdxfrmCommonFileDialog's Breadcrumbedit shows zip files in the list.
- VCL - Editors may incorrectly render different colors for the same settings when ParentColor = True and color styles are applied.
- WXI - Rounded corners are drawn for the drop-down button in BarEditItem.
- cxTrackBar - Tick numbers are poorly visible with specific dark skins/palettes.
- HighDPI - Checkmark in checkboxes of specific controls is incorrectly scaled.
- TdxBarDBNavigator still uses raster icons.
- Usability:
- It is not possible to print TdxPanel.
- TdxPanel does not support transparency.
ExpressSkins Library
- Descenders of TcxBarEditItem's text are truncated if an application uses the WXI skin and the monitor DPI is 96.
- TcxGridChartOptionsTreeView - View's layout is corrupted if the application uses skins.
- TcxGridChartOptionsTreeView uses raster icons if the application does not use skins.
- TdxGanttControl - The indicator column's numbers are truncated if the application uses skins.
- TdxRibbonBackstageView is incorrectly drawn in RightToLeft mode.
- Usability - TdxPanel does not support transparency.
- WXI:
- A button whose ButtonStyle is bsCheckedDropDown does not reflect its checked state.
- Bar gallery items - Group headers are incorrectly drawn.
- The content of certain editors can be truncated in RichEditControl dialog forms.
- cxTrackBar - Tick numbers are poorly visible with specific dark skins/palettes.