ExpressNavigationPack 24.1

Released: Jun 13, 2024

Mises à jour de 24.1


Embarcadero RAD Studio 12.1 Support

  • DevExpress VCL now officially supports Delphi 12.1 and C++ Builder 12.1 (for both 32-bit and 64-bit). If you installed RAD Studio 12.1 previously, please apply its Patch 1, because it addresses the RSS-536 incompatibility issue for the Delphi 64-bit compiler. Also, beware a known performance issue in the Rich Text Editor due to the System.Generics.Defaults unit changes.

High DPI Support

  • Enhanced High DPI Resolution and Vector Skin/Image Support - In addition to new features, bug fixes are also focused on, especially for High DPI-related issues, vector skins, and performance bottlenecks.
  • New Vector Theme - Windows 11 (WXI) Compact - The WXI Compact Skin - a clone of the WXI skin with smaller paddings and margins is now shipped with this release. To enable the new WXI Compact Skin, assign WXICompact to the TdxSkinController component's SkinName property.
  • Easier SVG Assignment for Image Lists at Design-Time - In this release, the DevExpress VCL Ribbon (and other UI controls) allow you to use a single image list for large and small SVG icons. With this capability you can simply specify a small SVG icon and it will scale it up automatically (for instance, in places where the control needs a large icon in the Ribbon). This will improve overall usability and should reduce time spent/maintenance in half.
  • Layout and Image Modifications in Design-Time Wizards and Dialogs - This release includes dozens of layout and 'raster to vector' image adjustments in key design-time areas (wizards, designers, and dialogs).

Data-Aware Controls and Menu

  • Accessibility Enhancements and Keyboard Support
    • Previous versions of the DevExpress ExpressBars and ExpressNavBar Suite included partial accessibility support (powered by Microsoft Active Accessibility or MSAA).
    • A new engine has been built for ongoing accessibility-related enhancements (it is powered by Microsoft UI Automation or UIA - used in DevExpress WinForms and WPF products). UIA provides much more flexibility and allowed the following accessibility-related features from this release to be introduced:
      • UIA-powered controls now include Automation options like AriaRole, FullDescription, etc.
      • UIA-powered controls now include specialized events to customize Automation options at runtime.
      • UIA-powered controls currently include Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Group Box, Panel, Text Editor, Memo Editor, Button Editor, Label, and other Text Editor-based editors.
  • Accent-Insensitive Operation Support for Data-Aware Controls
    • With this release, you can now configure how various diacritic glyphs in letters (umlauts, grave, acute, and other accents) are treated. For instance, if you type "Joao" in a search box, Data Grid filtering results will include data records with both "João" and "Joao".
    • You can enable or configure accent-insensitive operations globally using the TdxDiacriticStringOptions class:
      • ComparisonMode: Allows you to switch between comparison modes (Auto, Sensitive, Insensitive). By default (Sensitive), we do not ignore accents. Insensitive mode can be of value for global organizations with users from different countries/data (for instance, names of employees or goods can be in different languages).
      • NormalizationMode: Specifies the string normalization algorithm (Fast, System) used for string comparison in diacritic-insensitive mode. The default algorithm (Fast) works up to 3 times faster compared to the operating system-dependent algorithm (System).
    • Note: TdxDiacriticStringOptions does not work in Server Mode - use database collation options instead.
    • Impacted text-comparison operations and control features include:
      • Sorting.
      • Grouping.
      • Incremental search.
      • Auto-filter row.
      • Find panel, etc.
    • This behavior expands to the following controls:
      • Navigation control.
      • Ribbon and standard toolbars.
      • Lookup editors.
      • Data grid.
      • Pivot grid.
      • Tree list.
      • Other data-bound controls (powered by the Data Controller).
  • Field Name-Based Expressions for Data-Aware Controls - With this release, you can use {FieldName} in formula expressions in conditional formatting rules to refer to a field by underlying name instead of a display name. Previously, you could only use a display name/caption or an index. This capability will help you create formulas for conditional formatting rules. This is helpful in VCL apps that support multiple languages or other scenarios where you cannot rely on a field caption (due to its dynamic nature such as translation to another language).

Ribbon Control

  • Office 365 Style for VCL Ribbon Control - The VCL Ribbon Control ships with a new Office 365 rendering style. When the new Office 365 style is used, the Ribbon control displays a Search box at the top of the Ribbon form and Show Ribbon options on the bottom right of the Ribbon UI.