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FastReport for COM/ActiveX

Outil de reporting pour les développeurs.

Publié par Fast Reports
Distribué par ComponentSource depuis 2009


Please note that Fast Report for COM/ActiveX is now End of Life and is not available for purchase. Product support for existing customers will continue until 31st December 2013.

FastReport for COM/ActiveX

FastReport for COM/ActiveX (formerly FastReport Studio for Developers) is a fast and powerful reporting solution to use in your project. FastReport for COM/ActiveX includes a full-range report designer and many examples of different reports. FastReport COM/ActiveX is compact and fast providing high operating speed with low system requirements, installation size is only about 7MB.

FastReport for COM/ActiveX (formerly FastReport Studio for Developers) - reporting tool for developers
Do you need an easy-to-use, fast and powerful reporting solution to use in your project? FastReport for COM/ActiveX includes a full-range report designer and many examples of different reports.

Advantages of FastReport for COM/ActiveX:

Compact and fast:

  • High operating speed with low system requirements. FastReport Studio may be installed on older, slower PCs.
  • Compact and easy to install...

Dernières nouvelles

FastReport Studio for COM/ActiveX updated
FastReport Studio for COM/ActiveX updated
July 18, 2011Version du correctif
Fast Reports adds Studio for Developers
Fast Reports adds Studio for Developers
June 7, 2010Communiqué de presse
An easy-to-use, fast and powerful reporting solution for use in your projects.
One software license is required per user. Single License - license per user. Run-time royalty free. Important - Please note that there may be a delay before you can use this software as a unique...

Vous avez une question ?

Discutez en direct avec l'un de nos spécialiste des licences Fast Reports .

Fast Reports
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de Fast Reports.
Système d'exploitation pour le déploiement
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Server 2003

Prix récents
