Total .NET SourceBook - for Visual Studio 2005
Source code library and code repository for Visual Studio .NET.
Source code library and code repository for Visual Studio .NET.
Total .NET SourceBook is a code library for .NET developers, teams, and enterprises. It provides a collection of ready-to-use code snippets, classes, how-to's and articles. It also allows you to manage your own code and share knowledge within a team by using the fully searchable code repository. Total .NET SourceBook provides both a full-featured standalone Code Explorer, and an integrated Visual Studio Add-In.
Useful to all developers, regardless of skill level
Every level of developer will benefit from using Total .NET SourceBook. Beginners can use Total .NET SourceBook to get up to speed quickly by learning from the tips, articles, how-to’s, and examples. Experts can use the vast array of advanced concepts to learn new techniques, and will save time by using fully tested and ready-to-run code. And because the library code is open and available for modification, experts can customize the code to meet their specific needs.
Additional Code Available by Purchasing Code WebService
Every time you start Total .NET SourceBook, the program automatically connects to our unique Code WebService. Additional code, articles, and tips are automatically downloaded to your database. Our developers are constantly adding new content to help you with .NET. See The SourceBook Code Webservice for more information.
Huge Library of Code and Information
Total .NET SourceBook includes hundreds of classes, code snippets, how-to's and articles for just about every area of .NET development. C# and Visual Basic .NET versions of each item are provides along with helpful notes.
Share Your Entire Team's Knowledge
Because Total .NET SourceBook is completely multi-user, every member of your .NET development team can share in each other's knowledge and experience. As each individual adds code or content, it instantly becomes available to the entire team.
Manage Your Knowledge
You can even use Total .NET SourceBook to store your own code in one centralized, searchable location. No more rewriting code, or digging through old projects to find it. And because Total .NET SourceBook is completely multi-user capable, your entire development team can collaborate to share code, tips, and ideas.
Standalone Code Explorer, or Visual Studio .NET Add-In
Total .NET SourceBook provides both a full-featured standalone Code Explorer, and an integrated Visual Studio Add-in.
Code Explorer
The standalone Code Explorer makes it easy to find, organize, edit, and manage code. Implemented as a native .NET Windows Forms application, the Total .NET SourceBook Code Explorer is a complete code and knowledge management solution for developers.
Use the Code Explorer to:
The integrated Visual Studio Add-In provides you with easy access to Total .NET SourceBook code while you’re working on your project. The Add-In displays as a toolwindow right inside of your development environment:
Use the Add-In to: