À propos de Highcharts iOS

Du code aux graphiques en un temps record.

Create responsive charts and graphs in native iOS applications. Highcharts iOS is a wrapper for Highcharts charting library written in Objective-C. Get gorgeous, multi-touch charts with just a few lines of code. Highcharts is a SVG-based, multi-platform charting library that has been actively developed since 2009. It makes it very easy to add interactive charts to your native iOS applications. It supports single touch-drag for data inspection, multi-touch for zooming, and advanced responsiveness for both apps and websites.

Highcharts iOS Features:

Vast chart collection

Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types.

Options are optional

In most cases, charts look and behave exactly as you need without any modifications. For anything else, a simple options-structure allows for deep customization. Highcharts is also extendable and pluggable for experts seeking advanced animations and functionality.

Flexible styling

The elegant charts render crisp and clear at any resolution and are easily styled via the via Objective-C (iOS) or JavaScript API as well as CSS (web apps).


Easily bring charts to life to demonstrate complex relationships between data, with live, dynamic updates of data and customizable animations.


The dedicated iOS wrapper for Highcharts is designed to work with iOS 8.0+. A convenient class infrastructure allows one to quickly embed charts in iOS apps, written in Objective-C or Swift. Distributed as framework, doesn’t require complicated setup.


Highcharts mobile solution encompasses a small JavaScript web view embedded in your mobile application. This code is identical to the industry-leading Highcharts code, used across millions of web pages. A dedicated iOS wrapper is available for developers who would rather not work with the JavaScript library directly.