Highstock .NET
Profitez de toute la puissance de l’API Highcharts and Highstock dans Microsoft .NET Framework sans avoir à écrire une seule ligne de JavaScript.
Publié par Highsoft
Distribué par ComponentSource depuis 2017
Profitez de toute la puissance de l’API Highcharts and Highstock dans Microsoft .NET Framework sans avoir à écrire une seule ligne de JavaScript.
Highcharts is a SVG-based, multi-platform charting library that has been actively developed since 2009. It makes it easy to add interactive, mobile-optimized charts to your .NET projects. It features robust documentation, advanced responsiveness and industry-leading accessibility support. Highstock .NET allows developers to add web charts using Highcharts and Highstock API with the Microsoft .NET Framework (ASP.NET MVC 4+) without writing Javascript.
Developers are now able to create interactive cross-platform, mobile-friendly charts using the extensive Highcharts API (which includes both Highcharts as well as Highstock for financial charts) like any native .NET object using their favorite IDE and C# syntax (ASP.NET, MVC).
On the server side you will need ASP .NET MVC 4+. Visual Studio .Net 2012 and above are highly recommended if you would like to open product demos directly. On the client side, no additional work is necessary. The resulting chart code generates data-driven charts using the rock-solid Highcharts JavaScript library, which dynamically scales across all modern browsers and all platforms.
Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, area range, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. In addition, all chart types of the Highstock product may be generated using the .NET wrapper.
Highstock .NET Features
Built on Highstock
Developers are now able to create interactive cross-platform, mobile-friendly charts using the extensive Highcharts API (which includes both Highcharts as well as Highstock for financial charts) like any native .NET object using their favorite IDE and C# syntax (ASP.NET, MVC).
On the server side you will need ASP .NET MVC 4+. Visual Studio .Net 2012 and above are highly recommended if you would like to open product demos directly.
On the client side, no additional work is necessary. The resulting chart code generates data-driven charts using the rock-solid Highcharts JavaScript library, which dynamically scales across all modern browsers and all platforms.
Vast chart collection
Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. In addition, all chart types of the Highstock product may be generated using the .NET wrapper.
Options are optional
In most cases, charts look and behave exactly as you need without any modifications. For anything else, a simple options-structure allows for deep customization. Highcharts is also extendable and pluggable for experts seeking advanced animations and functionality.
Flexible styling
The elegant charts render crisp and clear at any resolution and are easily styled via the .NET wrapper as well as CSS.
Easily bring chats to live to demonstrate complex relationships between data with live, dynamic updates of data and customizable animations.