KeepTool Enterprise
Outils de base de données Oracle intuitifs.
Publié par KeepTool
Distribué par ComponentSource depuis 2021
Prix à partir de : $ 1,292.82 Version : 16.2.1 NOUVEAU Mise à jour : Nov 15, 2024
KeepTool contains tools designed to streamline design, administration and program development. It includes functionality for viewing tables, writing queries, comparing databases and debugging PL/SQL code. KeepTool includes the following tools: Hora, DB compare, ER Diagrammer, PL/SQL Debugger, Reverse DB, SQL Editor and DB Doc.
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Markus Recktenwaldm IT SAP-Basis, GLOBUS SB-Warenhaus Holding GmbH & Co. KG Germany
KeepTool Enterprise includes:
Hora - Offer both developers and administrators a wealth of ways to view and manipulate databases. Most Hora page layouts include an overview data grid, that displays the main object (i.e., tables) including its metadata. Subsequent detail tabs show subordinate objects such as table columns, constraints, indexes, triggers, and so on. Each data grid has a context menu that offers operations...
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