Kendo UI - Chart - Box PlotBox Plot Charts are Categorical charts which graphically render groups of numerical data through their quartiles.
Kendo UI - Chart - BubbleBubble Charts are Scatter charts which display data as points with coordinates and sizes that are defined by the value of their items.
Kendo UI - Chart - BulletBullet Charts are Categorical charts which are a variation of the Bar Charts. You can use them as a replacement for dashboard gauges and meters.
Kendo UI - Chart - DonutDonut Charts are circular charts which represent a variation of the Pie Charts and are capable of displaying multiple nested series.
Kendo UI - Chart - FunnelFunnel Charts display a single series of data in progressively decreasing or increasing proportions organized in segments.
Kendo UI - Chart - LineLine Charts are useful for rendering trends over time or at equal time intervals, and for comparing sets of similar data.
Kendo UI - Chart - RadarRadar Charts (also known as Spider Charts) are categorical charts which wrap the X axis in a circle or polygon.
Kendo UI - Chart - RangeAreaRangeArea Charts are categorical charts which represent a variation of the Area Charts. Unlike the Area Chart, which is filled to the axis, the Range Area chart is filled between its minimum and maximum values.
Kendo UI - Chart - RangeBarRangeBar Charts display data as bars where each bar represents a value range that spans between its minimum and maximum levels. Unlike the standard Kendo UI Bar Charts, which have anchored bars to their X axis, RangeBar Charts render floating bars.
Kendo UI - Chart - ScatterScatter Plot and Scatter Line Charts are the two main variations of Scatter charts and are suitable for displaying numerical data.
Kendo UI - Chart - WaterfallWaterfall Charts are categorical charts which display the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values.
Kendo UI Boostrap SampleKendo UI can be used alongside Twitter Bootstrap. In this example, the grid layout and responsive CSS is provided by Bootstrap, and widgets are provided by Kendo UI.
Kendo UI Column ChartThe Column chart visualizes data as vertical bars whose heights vary according to their value. It can be useful for presenting a comparison between several sets of data (e.g., snapshots of data across different points in time like the GDP growth shown in this example).
Kendo UI Diagram SampleThis sample app was built with Kendo UI widgets. It enables users to modify, add, remove and connect shapes. Once they are happy with the diagram they have created, they can save it to a file and load it back later.
Kendo UI DropdownThe DropDown widget offers a simple and lightweight drop-down list of items for single selection. It brings a user-friendly experience for the end user, with enhanced mobile and keyboard support, server and client templates, rich client-side API with a comprehensive set of events.
Kendo UI EditorThe Kendo UI Editor is a powerful WYSIWYG component, which allows you and your users to create rich text content in a familiar and user friendly way.
Kendo UI Grid Export to ExcelThe Kendo UI grid provides server-agnostic client Excel export functionality. Additionally, you have the option to customize the rows/columns and cells of the exported file by intercepting the excelExport event.
Kendo UI Grid TemplateThe Kendo UI grid allows flexible customization of its rows in terms of layout and appearance by exposing row template feature for this purpose.
Kendo UI Image Gallery Sample
Kendo UI Pie ChartThe Kendo UI chart lets you utilize modern browser technologies such as SVG or Canvas (with a fallback to VML for older IE versions) for interactive data visualizations. The Pie chart displays a single series of data in a two-dimensional circle.
Kendo UI SchedulerThe Telerik Kendo UI Scheduler allows you to easily schedule, display and edit appointments. You can display day, week, month, timeline and agenda views, group horizontally and vertically and enjoy out-of-the-box templates.
Kendo UI Single Page Application Sample
Kendo UI Stock HistoryThe Stock History Dashboard demonstrates how the charting components in Kendo UI ASP.NET MVC DataViz HTML5 framework can be used to build a complex finance application.
Kendo UI Theme BuilderProgress Sass Theme Builder for Kendo UI is an Angular web application that enables you to create new or customize existing themes.
Kendo UI TreeViewThe TreeView widget provides hierarchical navigation with drag-and-drop and check-box support. Enjoy enhanced performance thanks to item load on demand.
Kendo UI UploadLet your users upload single or multiple files with item selection or drag and drop. Use Upload widget to upload on a postback or the AsyncUpload to do it via AJAX.