LEADTOOLS OCR Module includes preset confidence and accuracy levels, artificial intelligence and built-in and user-defined lexicons for limiting the type of text to recognize within a particular zone. You can verify or correct text during and after recognition. LEADTOOLS can help with your OCR development and cut your programming time in half. With the LEADTOOLS OCR Module a developer can add many zoned areas to the same page and each zone can have its own options such as the OCR engine, filter and more.


With the LEADTOOLS OCR module a developer can add many zoned areas to the same page and each zone can have its own options such as the OCR engine, filter and much more. LEAD makes OCR development easier by presetting OCR properties that work for most images by default. And to improve recognition results, LEADTOOLS OCR supports custom dictionaries to recognize words that may only exist in the documents being recognized. Other OCR module features include support for over 100 languages...

Dernières nouvelles

LEADTOOLS OCR Module V20 (version de mars 2019)
LEADTOOLS OCR Module V20 (version de mars 2019)
March 13, 2019Nouvelle Version
Remaniement d’OMR Toolkit et exemples d'applications.
January 29, 2018Nouvelle Version
Inclut le moteur OCR OmniPage prenant en charge LEADTOOLS Document et les SDK médicaux.
LEADTOOLS OCR Module v19 (version de mars 2017)
LEADTOOLS OCR Module v19 (version de mars 2017)
March 29, 2017Nouvelle Version
Accélère le moteur OCR de 67 % et prend en charge Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
LEADTOOLS v19 Document SDKs updated
LEADTOOLS v19 Document SDKs updated
April 20, 2016Édition
Includes broader Linux and Java support and OCR advancements.
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging v19 Major Update released
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging v19 Major Update released
November 26, 2015Édition
Significantly increases speed and accuracy of Advantage OCR Engine.
LEAD Celebrates Twenty-five Years of Imaging Excellence
LEAD Celebrates Twenty-five Years of Imaging Excellence
July 9, 2015Communiqué de presse
Charlotte based company reaches significant milestone.
LEADTOOLS Licensing: Product Configurations LEADTOOLS SDKs include stand alone SDKs and Add On Modules and Plug Ins. You must own a license to a standalone SDK to be eligible to purchase a license to...

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Discutez en direct avec l'un de nos spécialiste des licences LEADTOOLS .

En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de LEADTOOLS.
Plates-formes et interfaces de programmation
  • C API Windows - C / C ++
  • .NET
    • C #, VB, C ++ / CLI, XAML
    • WinForms, WPF, Web Forms
  • WinRT - C #, VB, C ++ / CX, JavaScript
  • HTML5 / JavaScript
  • Web Services - JSON, WebAPI, SOAP, RESTful
  • iOS et macOS - Objective-C, Swift, C / C ++
  • Android - Java et C / C ++
  • Linux - Java et C / C ++

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Évaluation moyenne : 5 (3)

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Critique positive la plus récente

Roba.MorganUAE5 étoile
One of the major features in our application is the ability to scan and recognize different types of images with different formats. We tried some OCR engines, but most of them are hard to implement... Lire la suite

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