Revues de MDriven

Évaluation moyenne : 5 (2)

5 sur 5 étoiles

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Critique positive la plus récente

Daniel W Suède5 étoile

Most of the time, I can forget that the database even exists. I'll just draw/modify my UML class diagram and have the M[odel]Driven framework create/update the database schema for me. I mostly work in... Lire la suite

Critique la plus récente

Il n'y a aucun avis négatif sur ce produit.
Nom masqué client vérifiéHong Kong5 étoile
Daniel W client vérifiéSuède5 étoile

Most of the time, I can forget that the database even exists. I'll just draw/modify my UML class diagram and have the M[odel]Driven framework create/update the database schema for me. I mostly work in an object space (a RAM cache) as if everything was already there, using object oriented OCL instead of SQL. In a GUI, I could databind to it too, using regular data aware components. There is kind of a steep learning curve, and the documentation could be better.