Revues de OraDump Export Kit

Évaluation moyenne : 4 (1)

4 sur 5 étoiles

5 étoile
4 étoile
3 étoile
2 étoile
1 étoile

Critique positive la plus récente

Nom masqué Etats-Unis4 étoile

Good product. I work for a software company and we have Oracle customers that need to convert to SQL Server. Having an Oracle environment for all the versions we ran into was very problematic. This... Lire la suite

Critique la plus récente

Il n'y a aucun avis négatif sur ce produit.
Nom masqué client vérifiéEtats-Unis4 étoile

Good product. I work for a software company and we have Oracle customers that need to convert to SQL Server. Having an Oracle environment for all the versions we ran into was very problematic. This product solved that issue and now I don't even need Oracle for these conversions.