À propos de Oxygen Publishing Engine

Une solution complète de publication DITA/DocBook pour WebHelp, avec sortie PDF.

Oxygen Publishing Engine automates the transformation of DITA/DocBook documents to WebHelp, PDF, ePub, and plain HTML output, for desktop and mobile devices, outside of Oxygen XML Editor (e.g from a command line).

Oxygen Publishing Engine Features

  • Includes DITA-OT CSS-based PDF Publishing Plugin and Oxygen XML WebHelp Responsive plugin.
  • Allows you to transform DITA content into WebHelp and PDF.
  • Transform DITA resources by running a transformation script.
  • Includes the following PDF transformation types:
    • DITA Map PDF - CSS styling applied over a merged HTML5 document (the merged DITA map converted to HTML5).
    • DITA PDF - CSS styling applied over a merged HTML5 document (the merged DITA topic converted to HTML5).
  • WebHelp Responsive plugin is a DITA Open Toolkit plugin that provides the ability to transform DITA documentation to HTML format. It extends the DITA to HTML5 plugin by using its XSLT stylesheets and ANT targets.
  • Publish and Upload Articles to Zendesk - A xhtml-zendesk transformation type is supported which allows you to publish DITA topics to XHTML output and upload them directly as articles to the Zendesk Help Center - Enterprise Edition only.