Released: Sep 19, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.2.2
- Django enhancements
- New code completion suggestions - When working with models, PyCharm now offers field completion suggestions in a variety of cases.
- Quick-fix to create a method for an unresolved ViewSet - If a ViewSet has an unresolved reference, PyCharm suggests a quick-fix to introduce the missing method. Use Alt + Enter to call it.
- Data View
- You can now look at n-dimensional NumPy arrays in the Data View tool window. Define the array you would like to inspect, along with a...
Released: Aug 29, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.2.1
Data View
- Optional heatmap color schemes
- Provides two color-scheme options for the table heatmaps in the Data View tool window: the Diverging and Sequential color schemes:
- The Diverging color scheme emphasizes variation relative to a norm. It consists of two contrasting colors that deviate from a central value in two opposite directions.
- The Sequential color scheme consists of a single color or a range of closely related colors that vary in intensity.
- You can apply the heatmap...
Released: Aug 12, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.2
AI Assistant
- JetBrains AI Assistant 2024.2 introduces significant enhancements to cloud code completion, offering more accurate and faster suggestions. The UX has been reworked to better integrate AI code completion features into IDE workflows, with improvements like syntax highlighting in suggested code and incremental acceptance of code suggestions. The AI chat has also become smarter, now supporting the latest GPT-4o model, chat references, and semantic search.
- New features...
Released: Aug 9, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1.6
- Prisma ORM plugin version incompatibility.
- Failing new test: com.intellij.lang.javascript.typescript.TypeScriptHighlightingPerformanceTest.testPathMappings.
- TS: optimize memory allocations in JsonStringLiteralImpl.getValue().
- TS: Slow graph building on large project with multiple path mappings.
Released: Aug 6, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1.5
- Added a control to toggle flagged comments.
- You can now display the comments of the current Space review in the editor.
- Added support for creating comments in the editor for the current Space review.
Released: Jun 25, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1.4
- Gutter actions and inlay hints for URLs - New gutter icons provide an easy way to manage URLs in Flask, FastAPI, and Django projects. In just a few clicks, you can test an endpoint by running the request in the HTTP Client, view all lower-level endpoints, and more. New inlay hints with endpoint URLs further contribute to code readability for Python web frameworks.
- PEP 692: Smart code assistance for TypedDict - With support for PEP 692, keyword arguments defined as TypedDict are...
Released: Jun 10, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1.3
- Added completion for expected literal types in assignments.
- Added support for using TypedDict for more precise **kwargs typing with autocomplete and parameter info.
- requirements.txt: Now shows in-place warning for not installed packages.
- IJ plugin: Added an easy way to copy review ID to clipboard.
- Snowflake: Added support for DYNAMIC tables.
- [LLM] Added the ability to generate tests for Vue components.
- [LLM] You can now add generated tests into existing file when possible.
- Added...
Released: May 29, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1.2
- Support for DRF viewsets and routers in the Endpoints tool window - When working with the Django REST Framework in PyCharm, not only can you specify function-based or class-based views in the path, but you can now also specify viewsets and see the results in the Endpoints tool window. You can also now map HTTP methods to viewset methods, and PyCharm will display the HTTP methods next to the relevant route, including for custom methods. Routes without @actions decorators are now...
Released: Apr 30, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1.1
Improvements to the Endpoints tool window
- PyCharm now groups endpoints by web application.
- PyCharm's Endpoints tool window now recognizes uses of include() in the routing systems of Django projects and displays the endpoint routes.
- The Search Everywhere dialog now has a dedicated Endpoints tab. Simply start typing the URL as you remember it, and then select the endpoint you need from the list.
Jupyter Notebook
- Navigation and refactoring across notebooks and scripts - This feature...
Released: Apr 4, 2024
Mises à jour de 2024.1
Hugging Face: Quick documentation preview for models and datasets
- You can now get all the information about any Hugging Face models or datasets you're working with right inside PyCharm. Hover over a dataset or model name to view its description in a popup, or press F1 to open the Documentation tool window next to the editor.
Full line code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript
- PyCharm 2023.3 brought local ML-powered full line code completion for Python code, and in this...