
Hydra is an application framework that allows developers to create modular applications that can mix managed (.NET and Java) and unmanaged (Delphi and Island) code in the same project, creating a seamless user experience while combining the best technologies available from either platform.

Combining Delphi and .NET

Many Delphi developers consider migrating to the .NET platform, either to make use of its advanced development capabilities and better languages or to leverage new technologies such as the Windows Presentation Foundation or LINQ. At the same time, they are rightfully hesitant to leave the existing investment in their extensive Delphi code base behind.

Hydra from RemObjects, provided in one SKU for Delphi, .NET and Island, enables you to keep your investment in your...

Dernières nouvelles

Hydra v6.5
Hydra v6.5
March 7, 2022Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge les compléments .NET Core dans les hôtes Delphi.
Hydra v6.4
Hydra v6.4
August 13, 2021Nouvelle Version
Améliore les quatre plateformes d’outils Hydra : Delphi, .NET, Java et Island.
Hydra v6.2.99
Hydra v6.2.99
June 14, 2019Nouvelle Version
Intégration avec Visual Studio 2019 et prise en charge de OpenJDK, JDK 9+ et Lazarus/Free Pascal.
Hydra v6.1.97
Hydra v6.1.97
March 12, 2019Nouvelle Version
Utilise la nouvelle prise en charge de l'interface COM dans Elements/Island.
Hydra v6.1.95
Hydra v6.1.95
December 28, 2018Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge Embarcadero Delphi 10.3 Rio.
Hydra 6
Hydra 6
September 11, 2018Nouvelle Version
Prend maintenant en charge les modules d'extension Java, les applications hôtes .NET peuvent maintenant charger un code d'exécution Java.

Prix à partir de : $ 489.02

Licensed per User, per Year Includes Free Updates and Standard Support. To continue to use the software at the end of your subscription period you will need to purchase a Subscription License Renewal...

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RemObjects Software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de RemObjects Software.
Compatible Containers
  • Delphi 7 thru Delphi 11 "Alexandria"
  • Visual Studio 2015 thru 2022
  • Elements 10 and 11

Prix récents
