À propos de Scriptcase

Outil Web de développement de code PHP.

Scriptcase is a PHP generator that can build complete systems and create customized reports.  It can be used to build registration forms, customizable charts, user authentication, dynamic menus, calendars and dashboards. Scriptcase works with any Web browser and allows several developers to work simultaneously on the same project. Connect to your favorite database including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server. Generate applications that run independently from Scriptcase and publish them on any PHP-enabled web server.

Scriptcase Features

  • Forms - Create simple and advanced forms with automatic validation, layout, tabs, multiple records and grid editing.
  • Report - Group records dynamically, automatic calculation, report summaries, detailed graphics, filters and sorting.
  • Charts - Automatically create customizable charts using HTML5.
  • Editable Grid - Edit multiple records simultaneously and easily create rich Master-Detail applications.
  • Filters - Provide search filters to perform various types of search.
  • Calendars - Create calendars to manage events using drag and drop features.
  • Master Detail - Create one-to-many relationships.
  • Container - Create dashboards where various components can be attached including charts, grids and forms.
  • Internationalization - Create and edit messages in several languages. Use region formatting settings for date, time and currency.
  • Languages - Develop system interfaces translated into 10 languages including Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
  • Right to Left Support - Create applications with support for RTL languages including Arabic and Hebrew.
  • Extensive Database Support- Scriptcase supports most databases including MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQLite and Sybase.
  • Multiple Database Connections - Scriptcase supports multiple connections on a single system or application.
  • Youtube Support - Forms and grids allow full integration with YouTube.
  • Google Maps Support - Display Google maps in forms and grids.
  • Barcodes - Automatically generate various kinds of barcodes including EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN-128, Codabar, Interleaved 2of5 and Postnet.
  • Quick Search - Filter records directly from a grid or form without navigating between screens.
  • Ajax Components - Develop applications using Ajax components.
  • CAPTCHA - Create CAPTCHA objects into your applications and increase the security of your forms.
  • Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG) - Provide a powerful text editor with HTML formatting in your developed applications.
  • File Upload Controls - File manager with options for multiple uploads, progress bar, drag and drop and instant uploading.
  • Dynamic Group By - Create reports with different grouping options.
  • Social Media Integration - Create systems integrated with social networks.
  • Menus - Create different types of menus including horizontal, vertical and tree.
  • ListView Menus with Mobile Support - Recognize mobile devices and automatically change size.
  • Custom Code, Macros and Libraries - Customize code based on business rules.
  • JavaScript Methods - Create your own methods for better control.
  • Project Diagram - View all applications and the relationships between objects.
  • Themes - Allow end users to change the look of applications at runtime.
  • Visual Styles - Scriptcase allows you to edit all objects and styles, modifying the look and feel of the whole system in seconds.
  • Query Builder - Create SQL statements visually, select tables, fields and joins then test their results.
  • Database Builder - Build and manage your database using the database manager.
  • Webhelp Generator - Generate documentation.
  • Exporting Data - Export report to XLS, XML, DOC and PDF.
  • PayPal Integration - Integrate your applications or systems with Paypal.
  • Security - Create safe systems that prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to certain applications.
  • LDAP Integration - Integrate with your LAN administration.

Starter - Single Database

  • Unlimited applications, projects and database connections
  • Free minor and major updates for 12 months
  • Does not allow concurrent use (simultaneous developers)
  • Single Database License. Choose between: MySQL / MariaDB Interbase / Firebird PostgreSQL SQLite Access

Professional - Multiple Databases

  • Unlimited applications, projects and database connections
  • Free minor and major updates for 12 months
  • Does not allow concurrent use (simultaneous developers)
  • Supported databases: MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL SQLite Interbase Firebird Access

Enterprise - Multiple Databases

  • Unlimited applications, projects and database connections
  • Free minor and major updates for 12 months
  • Allow concurrent use with multiple developers, by purchasing more than one developer seat.
  • Supported databases: MySQL MariaDB PostgreeSQL SQLite Intebase Firebird Access SQL Server Oracle Informix DB2 ODBC