Prix de SmartClient

Pour en savoir plus sur les licences SmartClient, contactez nos experts en licences Isomorphic Software.

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Devise :

SmartClient Pro v13.1 - Perpetual License

Best for professional developers building simpler workgroup applications, and micro-ISV.

1 Developer License

The perpetual license allows you to use the purchased version perpetually but you will need to purchase product updates and technical support separately.

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1359895

Licences et Livraison $ 730.10 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Pro

SmartClient Power v13.1 - Perpetual License

Best for highly skilled teams able to take advantage of advanced productivity features.

1 Developer License

The perpetual license allows you to use the purchased version perpetually but you will need to purchase product updates and technical support separately.

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1359924

Licences et Livraison $ 1,911.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Power

SmartClient Enterprise v13.1 - Perpetual License

Best for complex, mission-critical or enterprise-wide applications, and enterprise ISVs.

1 Developer License

The perpetual license allows you to use the purchased version perpetually but you will need to purchase product updates and technical support separately.

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1359929

Licences et Livraison $ 2,450.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Enterprise

SmartClient OLAP / Datacube Support (Analytics Module) - Perpetual License

Requires SmartClient Power or SmartClient Enterprise Edition

1 Developer License

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360177

Licences et Livraison $ 490.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This module requires that you already own or are also purcahsing SmartClient Power or Enterprise

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient OLAP Datacube Support Analytcics Module

SmartClient Real Time Messaging Module - Perpetual License

Requires SmartClient Power or SmartClient Enterprise Edition

1 Developer License

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360178

Licences et Livraison $ 490.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This module requires that you already own or are also purcahsing SmartClient Power or Enterprise

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Real Time Messaging Module

SmartClient Upgrades and Support - Perpetual License

For customers with a perpetual license looking to upgrade their version of SmartClient to the latest version or in need of a technical support plan.

Please contact us for an upgrade quote.

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Please contact us for a support plan quote.

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SmartClient Pro v13.1 - Subscription Licenses with Support

Best for professional developers building simpler workgroup applications, and micro-ISV.

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License with Standard Support

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360862

Licences et Livraison $ 2,998.80 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This subscription license is valid for 3 years, on expiration you will need to renew the subscription license to continue to use the software.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Pro Subscription License with Standard Support

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License with Priority Unlimited Support

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For volume license pricing please contact us for a quote.

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SmartClient Power v13.1 - Subscription Licenses with Support

Best for highly skilled teams able to take advantage of advanced productivity features.

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License with Standard Support

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360866

Licences et Livraison $ 3,998.40 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This subscription license is valid for 3 years, on expiration you will need to renew the subscription license to continue to use the software.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Power Subscription License with Standard Support

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License with Priority Unlimited Support

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For volume license pricing please contact us for a quote.

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SmartClient Enterprise v13.1 - Subscription Licenses with Support

Best for complex, mission-critical or enterprise-wide applications, and enterprise ISVs.

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License with Standard Support

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360870

Licences et Livraison $ 5,244.96 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This subscription license is valid for 3 years, on expiration you will need to renew the subscription license to continue to use the software.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Enterprise Subscription License with Standard Support

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License with Priority Unlimited Support

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For volume license pricing please contact us for a quote.

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SmartClient OLAP / Datacube Support (Analytics Module) - Subscription Licenses

Requires SmartClient Power or SmartClient Enterprise Edition

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1539481

Licences et Livraison $ 1,470.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This module requires that you already own or are also purcahsing SmartClient Power or Enterprise

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient OLAP Datacube Support Analytcics Module

SmartClient Real Time Messaging Module - Subscription Licenses

Requires SmartClient Power or SmartClient Enterprise Edition

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1539483

Licences et Livraison $ 1,470.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This module requires that you already own or are also purcahsing SmartClient Power or Enterprise

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Real Time Messaging Module

SmartClient Pro v13.1 - Subscription License Renewals with Support

Best for professional developers building simpler workgroup applications, and micro-ISV.

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal with Standard Support

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360874

Licences et Livraison $ 2,998.80 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This subscription license renewal is valid for 3 years, on expiration you will need to renew the subscription license to continue to use the software.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account and confirmation of your new Subscription License Expiry Date will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Confirmation of new expiry date for SmartClient Pro Subscription License with Standard Support

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal with Priority Unlimited Support

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For volume license pricing please contact us for a quote.

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SmartClient Power v13.1 - Subscription License Renewals with Support

Best for highly skilled teams able to take advantage of advanced productivity features.

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal with Standard Support

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360878

Licences et Livraison $ 3,998.40 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This subscription license renewal is valid for 3 years, on expiration you will need to renew the subscription license to continue to use the software.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account and confirmation of your new Subscription License Expiry Date will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Confirmation of new expiry date for SmartClient Power Subscription License with Standard Support

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal with Priority Unlimited Support

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For volume license pricing please contact us for a quote.

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SmartClient Enterprise v13.1 - Subscription License Renewals with Support

Best for complex, mission-critical or enterprise-wide applications, and enterprise ISVs.

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal with Standard Support

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1360882

Licences et Livraison $ 5,244.96 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This subscription license renewal is valid for 3 years, on expiration you will need to renew the subscription license to continue to use the software.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Access to the current documentation for the Software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account and confirmation of your new Subscription License Expiry Date will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Confirmation of new expiry date for SmartClient Enterprise Subscription License with Standard Support

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal with Priority Unlimited Support

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For volume license pricing please contact us for a quote.

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SmartClient OLAP / Datacube Support (Analytics Module) - Subscription Licenses

Requires SmartClient Power or SmartClient Enterprise Edition

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1539482

Licences et Livraison $ 1,470.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This module requires that you already own or are also purcahsing SmartClient Power or Enterprise

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient OLAP Datacube Support Analytcics Module

SmartClient Real Time Messaging Module - Subscription Licenses

Requires SmartClient Power or SmartClient Enterprise Edition

1 Developer - 3 Years Subscription License Renewal

Notre Référence #: CS-557714-1539484

Licences et Livraison $ 1,470.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One license is required per developer. This module requires that you already own or are also purcahsing SmartClient Power or Enterprise

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your SmartClient Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • License and download instructions for SmartClient Real Time Messaging Module

SmartClient Licensing

1 Software License is required per Developer.
Runtime Royalty Free.

SmartClient is available as a Perpetual License with no support or updates and as a Subscription License which includes product updates and technical support.

Subscription Licenses require renewal on an annual basis and allow you to use the software for 1 year or 3 years based on the subscription term purchased.

Licenses are offered and owned by project or company (for example a consultant cannot use a license to work for multiple customers. Licenses would need to be bought per customer).

Standard Support:

  • Access to the current documentation for the software.
  • Forum Support.
  • Email Support.
  • Guaranteed response within 72 business hours.
  • Limited incident support (up to 10 incidents per annum).
  • Roadmap Questions: the ability to ask if a given feature or capability is scheduled for the next release.
  • Eligible to receive emergency hotfix builds as may be provided.
  • Product fixes and new features. (Note: This does not apply to perpetual licenses, where new features and versions must be purchased separately)

Priority Unlimited Support
All the offerings from the Standard Support package plus:

  • 24/5 Worldwide Support.
  • Priority Support Handling - guaranteed response within 24 hours.
  • Prioritized Bug Review - Cases are immediately routed for priority assignment to a senior engineer.
  • Unlimited incident support.
  • Roadmap Influence: The ability to request that a feature be added to the roadmap for the next release or release after that.
  • Beta Program Privileges - Early access, priority enrollment, and extended trial periods for new product launches.