À propos de WebUI Studio for Silverlight and WPF

A suite of advanced user interface components for Silverlight and WPF applications.

WebUI Studio Silverlight and WPF (ClientUI) is a user interface library that lets you create dynamic and compelling business applications for Silverlight and WPF platforms. Packed with an elegant architecture and an advanced MVVM framework, event routing, commanding, journal-aware navigation, fluid drag-drop and more, and many innovative user interface tools, WebUI Studio Silverlight and WPF (ClientUI) gives all the tools you need to rapidly build great user experiences in less time, with less effort.

Included products in WebUI Studio for Silverlight and WPF (Client UI):

UXChart - Advanced data visualization suite for Silverlight and WPF development. Features includes MVVM-ready architecture, large data support, rich UX, blazing-fast performance. With over 20 chart types UXChart lets you easily create interactive charts that meet the most demanding requirements of today's business applications.

  • Comprehensive chart types
  • MVVM-ready architecture
  • Zooming
  • Multiple series support
  • Advanced selection mode
  • Data drilldown
  • Data annotation
  • Data connector
  • Smart data tracker
  • Smooth chart animation
  • Linked zoom support
  • Customizable tooltip
  • Customizable X-axis
  • Customizable data label
  • Customizable color palette
  • Additional Gridlines and trend line

Button Controls

  • Glass Button - A full-featured button with built-in elegant glass appearance matching your modern minimalist business applications.
  • Command Button - A button supporting routed command, navigation, and also featuring standard compliance usability, such as: default focus.
  • DropDown - An advanced button control representing single or multiple commands in flexibly customizable dropdown menu mode.
  • Split Button - A sophisticated button control that represents a default and alternative commands in dropdown menu supporting routed command.
  • Stack Button - UXStackButton is a state-of-the-art dropdown control that displays menu items in stunning stack layout with elegant animation.
  • Toggle Button - UXToggleButton is a rich, Aero-style button with toggle functionality supporting self and group toggle with strong keyboard support.

Bar and Menu Controls

  • Context Menu - UXContextMenu is a unique right-click context menu control with smooth animation attachable to various UI element.
  • Dock Tray - A versatile container which hosts multiple tool bar and menu bar instances supporting horizontal and vertical orientations.
  • Menu Bar - A full-featured menu bar with access key support, command, and customizable styles.
  • Separator - A multi-purpose 3D-style line separator that separates two logical UI sections or contents supporting horizontal and vertical orientations.
  • Tool Bar - A rich tool bar control with smart AutoFit feature, offering native support for image button, dropdown menu and split button.
  • Tool Group - A toolbar button container used within a UXToolBar instance, or standalone, with real 3D round-corner and flexible placement.

Content Controls

  • Content Perspective - A lightweight container control that adds a unique perspective effect when the content is applied with projection transform.
  • Content Projector - ContentProjector is a versatile and lightweight container control for applying two-way planar projection.
  • Content Reflector - A container control for applying a nice reflection effect on one of four positions of the original object.
  • Content Transformer - A lightweight content control for transforming the content so can you easily align it.
  • Content Transition - Easily adds interactive visual transition with total 12 effects to choose, such as: fading, sliding, to the sophisticated 3D cube.
  • Expandable Content Presenter - A lightweight container control with built-in expand/collapse capability.
  • Expandable GroupBox - An advanced, highly-customizable container control consisting of a header and an expandable/collapsible content area.
  • GroupBox - A container control for displaying various types of information in Windows 7-style group box with 3-D round corner border.

UI Controls

  • Call Out - A callout resembling container control with highly customizable shapes, pointer points, and position.
  • Ellipsis Text - A label control with text trimming feature with ellipsis indicator. You can customize the trim position, and more.
  • Field Label - A label control that displays various types of data fields consisting of a text label and an input control with auto focus when clicked.
  • Glass Label - A multi-purpose label control with predefined shinning glass theme and easy appearance customization through brushes layers.
  • Image Loader - An innovative control that supports loading embedded internal or external image with real-time image loading indicator.
  • Stylish Label - A lightweight label control with comprehensive appearance styling, such as: border, background, corner radius, and more.
  • Progress Bar - A rich, Aero-style progress bar control supporting determinate and indeterminate mode with various attractive styling.
  • Video Player - A full-featured multimedia player with advanced dual video playback mode capability, supporting all media types in Silverlight.

Data Presenter

  • Presenter Manager - Data visualization that introduces a breakthrough data browsing with multiple data viewing capability.
  • Grid Presenter - A high performance data grid with ultra fast data fetching, powerful data drilling capability, and elegant user interface.
  • List Presenter - A data visualization in listing presentation with intuitive data interactions, rich data editing performance, and many more.
  • Icon Presenter - A iconic data presentation control with super smooth Virtual Scrolling for lag free data browsing experience, and many more.

Input Controls

  • Check Box - A lightweight checkbox control featuring standards-compliance usability features such as access key support and keyboard focus.
  • Combo Box - A selection control with out-of-the-box text searching functionality and full compatibility with MVVM development pattern.
  • Password Box - Providing text input with masked character, password box comes with various adjustable settings, such as: password character, brush.
  • Radio Button - A full-featured radio button control with full keyboard support, focus visual, and more.
  • Search Box - A fully-functional input control specifically designed to automatically provide pass search query to a search provider.
  • Text Box - A multi-purpose text box control featuring elegant interface, powerful hybrid routed command and validation framework for two-way MVVM pattern binding.

Layout Panels

  • Autofit Panel - An innovative panel with overflow detection mechanism, enabling you to deliver your content to the smallest to the biggest screen estate.
  • Grid Panel - A grid-style item arrangement panel with customizable item height and width.
  • Dock Panel - The fundamental panel that provides four-side docking layout with one fill element for more flexible UI layout and design.
  • Stack Panel - A drag drop enabled panel with highly customizable behaviors, such as: AllowDropNext, and AllowDropPrevious.
  • View Box - A smart panel that automatically stretch and scale its content to fill the available space.
  • Wrap Panel - A panel with built-in wrapping layout calculation. Similar to Stack Panel, Wrap Panel layouts its children vertically or horizontally.

Framework and MVVM

  • Binding Library - An binding library to simplify UI development through declarative XAML binding capability, such as PropertyBinding, BindingDescriptor and DataBinding engine.
  • Command Reference - A multi-purpose component facilitating declarative XAML binding between KeyBinding and Command in a MVVM pattern application.
  • Delegate Command - A commanding component for defining the Commands and its logic in a ViewModel and bind to them in the View through Command property.
  • DragDrop Library - A library that provides drag drop feature in various scenarios from basic moving to advanced drop action.
  • Hybrid Command - An advanced commanding component featuring CanQueryStatus and QueryStatus capability in addition to the standard CanExecute and Executed command.
  • Routed Command - A commanding control that lets you write the logic in a separate layer, bound through command binding in the view level.
  • Routed Events - A eventing framework in modern client user interface platform which notifies the occuring event to its parent or child through visual tree walkthrough.

Navigation Controls

  • Hyperlink - A fully functional navigation control for local XAML pages navigation targeting a navigation frame, or external URLs targeting a new browser window.
  • Navigation Frame - UXFrame is the core navigation component supporting logical page navigation to local XAML and external pages from remote XAP package.
  • Journal Button - A full-featured navigation control themed in Aero glass-style appearance providing built-in Back and Forward command to the navigation frame in the same focus scope.
  • Navigation Bar - A rich navigation control featuring complete navigation commands such as Refresh, Stop, and Browse Home that works seamlessly within the same focus scope.
  • Navigation Button - A button control with navigation capabilities that seamlessly integrated to UXFrame, featuring automatic state synchronization.
  • Navigation Window - Combining the richness of windowing and navigation, UXNavigationWindow enables local page navigation with automatic journal management via the navigation bar.

Advanced Content Controls

  • Accordion - A selection controls with highly customizable styles, orientation, multiple expanded mode, and built-in drag drop capability.
  • Interactive Call Out - An interactive callout-like popup control, hosting multiple types of information with customizable visual effects.
  • Item List - A lightweight, multi-purpose item control featuring customizable panel and items.
  • List Box - A list box control for single or multiple item selections supporting MVVM architecture.
  • Pop Up - An advanced popup control with built-in stunning animations and configurable positions.
  • Content Scroller - A lightweight, innovative control for scrolling on a specific content using buttons, not scroll bar.
  • Scroll Viewer - A smooth scroll viewer control with built-in Aero theme based on Windows 7 strict user interface guidelines.

3D, Multimedia, and Dock

  • Cover Flow - A multi-talent 3D media player, UXFlow offers advanced two-way MVVM pattern binding, native drag-and-drop capability, and easily customizable appearance and styles.
  • Dock - A high performance docking navigation control with modern design and interactive animation providing a sleek, smooth user experience.
  • Desktop Dock - A next-generation docking control seamlessly connected to state-of-the-art desktop, multiple window, dock task bar integration and interactive drag-drop.

Window Controls

  • Command Bar - An item control designed specifically to host command buttons featuring Aero-style default theme, special keyboard shortcut, and focus management.
  • Desktop Host - UXDesktop is features sophisticated windows and powerful application management for hosting multiple window controls of various types.
  • Dialog Box - A full-featured window control with dual dialog mode, modal and modeless, tightly integrated within UXDesktop and UXWindow or standalone.
  • Message Box - A rich, Aero-style window control designed to show information or obtain user input in modal mode with 6 predefined message button types and visual hints.
  • Window - A state-of-the-art windowing control with built-in focus management, offering all standard window features and behaviors, such as: move, resize, context-menu.
  • Window Chrome - UXWindowChrome is a strip down version of UXWindow featuring all fundamental features and integration to UXDesktop, minus several features.